Welcome to our new P6 Blog. We have settled well into our new classes and are learning the new rules and routines for our classes.
We have already been very busy. We have collaborated as a year group to create an exciting name for our new topic. We created a shortlist of ideas and ultimately decided on The 1745 Rebellion. We are looking forward to learning all about the Jacobites. Part of our learning was to use an Atlas or Google Maps to pinpoint significant historical Scottish locations.
We have been improving our mental maths skills and have taken learning outdoors. We have been using metre sticks, rulers, measuring tapes and trundle wheels to measure various lengths. Pictures to follow.
Primary 6 have been busy improving their knowledge of Europe by taking part in weekly Euro Quiz sessions.
We will be participating in 3 weekly Art, Music and Spanish lessons. In Spanish we are learning to follow simple classroom instructions and have started to learn numbers.