Week beginning 24.9.18

In Maths, we have started subtraction.  We have been discussing the variety of strategies we can use for mentally subtracting numbers involving hundreds, tens and units and tens and units.  We have simplified the sums into tens and units or units.  We have also been calculating the missing number.


We have been writing about two characters in War Horse.  We have been writing character descriptions and looking at the book to see how they are described there.


We have been completing work based on our reading books.  For example, writing a newspaper report or writing about the characters.

Week beginning 17/9/18

In Maths, we have been continuing to add numbers up to HTU mentally and using written addition.  We have tried to use a variety of strategies.


In Literacy, we wrote an imaginative story.  We are developing the use of descriptions and we are trying to use connectives to extend our sentences.  In Grammar, we used a variety of connectives to join two sentences and we had to select the correct connective for the sentence to make sense.


In Topic, we continued to develop our mapping skills by labelling more Fairtrade countries and writing a food that they produce.

Week beginning 10.9.18

In Maths, we have been learning addition involving 2 and 3 digit numbers.  We have been using a variety of strategies to mentally add numbers and we have used written addition for some calculations.


In Writing, we have been writing an imaginative story.  We thought of descriptions to describe the setting and we are starting to extend the detail within our descriptions.


In Topic, we were learning to use an atlas to find continents, countries and places in the world relating to ‘Fairtrade’.  We labelled our own world map and we located places that provide Fairtrade products.

Week beginning 3.9.18

We have started reading ‘War Horse’, which is our class novel for this term.  We have listened to and read Chapter 1 and we sequenced the main events for this chapter.  We wrote a summary of the chapter, including a description of Joey, the horse.


In Maths, we have been partitioning numbers as part of homework.  We have continued to develop our understanding of place value by identifying the largest and smallest numbers, ordering numbers and adding and subtracting from a number.


In Topic, we have some of our work displayed.  Here are our information sheets about the supply of bananas.


In Grammar, we have been learning about adjectives and we have used a variety of adjectives within sentences.