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Group Research Challenge



This week the class are working within a group to research about Life in Roman Britain.  Each group is find out key facts from websites or using books, create a fact-file poster and then present it to all of P5. Each group has a different category to focus on.

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Mr Pole in P5G

Mr Pole visited our class and revealed he use to be an archaeologist.  Mr Pole brought in different items he dug up from around the  time of the Romans.  The items included: part of a mosaic floor, animal bones and Roman pottery.  The class enjoyed be able to handle the various items.




Term 2

Primary 5

Topic/Learning Context

Our Learning Context for this term will be The Romans and their Impact on Britain. So far we have looked into the Spread of the Roman Empire and the myth of Romulus and Remus and the founding of the city of Rome. We will also be using this context as the focus for our Sharing of Learning presentation to parents/carers on Tuesday 22nd of November.

The main focuses of our learning will be:

  • Who were the Romans and where did they live?
  • What was the Roman Empire?
  • What was the historical impact of the Romans on Britain?
  • How have the Romans influenced society today?


Core Literacy

  • Develop our note-taking skills using a variety of sources and using these notes to create new texts such as a newspaper report.
  • Continue to improve our written work through focussing on the technical aspects of writing including word choice, grammar and punctuation always keeping in mind the purpose, style and audience for our writing.
  • Continue to work on comprehension skills during our Reading, Language and Interdisciplinary activities.
  • Continue to learn spelling rules and participate in a variety of activities to promote and help develop our spelling.


Core Numeracy

  • We will develop our understanding of time focussing on the different ways of recording time including am/pm, 24 hour clock and interval durations.
  • Develop our understanding of patterns and sequences for shapes and numbers.
  • Reinforce our Mental Agility through various mental strategies and activities.

The Romans

This week we have been learning the story of Romulus and Remus. We listened to the story and then were set a challenge to sequence the story in our group. It was hard!

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We did a storyboard on Romulus and Remus and their life when they were young. We had to retell the story and drew a picture to go with it.



At the end we answered a variety of different questions in a quiz to do with the story. The class did really good!


Olivia, Jude and Hannah

On Thursday the class researched  using books and ipads to find out about the Romans.  Each group had to create a fact-file poster.

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Busy week

We have had a busy week back at school.  We started our new topic The Romans.

Here are some photos the children have taken and the class have added their own comments about what they have been learning.

P5 Class Comments

I have been learning about Roman food and I didn’t know Romans did not know about chocolate, lemons and coffee.  Victoria

I have learned about Roman numbers. Ava

I have learned that Romans are famous for their roads. Rosie

We have learned about Romans and what they eat. Katie

I have been learning about Time in maths and it is fun. Neve

I think that learning about time is fun.  I’m exited to tell Mum about the new boy joining the  class. Molly

I have learned roman numbers. glen

I have been learning about roman roads. Alicia

We have been leaning about time it is a little bit hard.  We have also started our new topic and have been learning about Roman food.  Laura

We have been learning about food the Romans would eat and what surprised me is that they use to eat camel feet! Kayla

Circuits and Angles

We learned about circuits and circuit symbols. We had to guess which each circuit symbol represented.  We made designs  for circuits on paper and made some simple circuits, and made the circuits we drew on paper.

by Raegan

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We added two batteries to a circuit and it made the bulb brighter we added another light bulb with one battery and it made the bulb dimmer .




In angles we learned how much degrees  were in a straight and right angle. We also learned about acute and obtuse angles. We made the different angles using our bodies.

by John and Dylan


Star Writers


Theatre Visit – Shopping for Shoes



Claude Monet Inspired Art Work

We learned that Claude Monet was a famous artist. He was French and he studied light  and reflection of things in water.

We made  waterlily painting.   First we painted  the background . We were using dabbing techniques to paint on to the paper.

We mixed blue and yellow to make green and painted lily pads. some of us done the details by using the top of the paint brush to make the fine lines on the lily pads.

Then we made 3D water lilies by cutting tissue paper and we bent it and also painted 2D water lilies too.

Blog by Hannah and Molly

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P5 Class Comments

Here are some comments from the P5 class about what they have enjoyed learning about this week:

“I enjoyed playing the Cool in School Facial expression games. We were learning about how we can communicate through our faces.”




“I enjoyed learning about light. We learned about transparent, translucent and opaque objects and learned about light sources and light reflectors.”



“I enjoyed Duncan Scott coming into school. I like the challenge cards in class as they are interesting.”


“I enjoyed doing experiences learning about refraction. We got a cup of a water and we drew an arrow and put it behind the glass and it looked all squint.”



“I enjoyed when Duncan Scott came to visit, I got to touch the Olympic Medal and I liked when we got to ask him questions.”


“I enjoyed Duncan Scott coming and answering our questions.”


“I enjoyed the light experiment learning about how the light reflects differently on different objects.”



“I like French. I like learning different languages.”

“I like playing French games and learning new French words.”


“I enjoyed learning about shadows as we got to use torches.”


“I enjoyed Science and doing experiences.”


“I enjoyed touching Duncan Scott’s medals and asking him questions.”


“I like learning French numbers.”


P5 Term 1

Topic/Learning Context

Our Learning Context for this term will centre around our Topic of Light and Electricity. We have already started conducting experiments and learning facts and vocabulary associated with light. Over the term we aim to:

  • Explore reflections from different surfaces and describe the images.
  • Explain how shadows are formed and also how they vary in length depending on the direction of the light source in relation to the object.
  • Develop understanding of how visible light can be split into the seven colours of the spectrum.
  • Explain what the three primary colours of light are and through practical investigations describe what happens when combinations of these are mixed.
  • Use our knowledge of the properties of light to show how it can be used in a creative way.
  • Use a range of electrical components to help make a variety of circuits.
  • Use symbols to represent the components in a variety of circuits.
  • Describe the transfer of energy around an electrical circuit.
  • Discuss how batteries work.

Core Literacy

  • Continue to improve our written work and story writing skills through focussing on some of the technical aspects of our writing, for example punctuation and grammar, as well as maintain the development of engaging our readers through word choice and sentence structure.
  • Develop and produce a variety of Functional writing e.g. reports, recounts, procedures and instructions.
  • Continue to work on comprehension skills during our Reading, Language and Interdisciplinary activities.
  • Continue to learn spelling rules and participate in a variety of activities to promote and help develop our spelling.

Core Numeracy

  • Consolidate an understanding of place value – that the individual digits that form a number each have a value.
  • Use the 4 basic number processes to solve a range of written and mental problems.
  • To further work on all multiplication tables and develop memory skills for these.
  • Investigate some simple angles and develop a working vocabulary.




Weekly Update

In Literacy, the class have been learning about syllables. The class learned three ways to help them identify how many syllables in each word.  After playing games and completing an activity the class felt confident and were able to use their knowledge of syllables to learn about and write a haiku poem.  A haiku poem is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The children enjoyed creating their own poems and sharing them with the class.


This term our topic is Light and Electricity. We have been learning about natural and artificial sources of light. We have been closely looking at light reflecting on objects. On Thursday, the class were learning about objects which have light and smooth surfaces are good reflectors of light and dark, uneven and rough surfaces are poor reflectors of light. The children made predictions and completed a light reflecting experiment in the classroom.