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Fabulous February Fun

This week…


Digital Ninjas

This week in digital ninjas we were teaching P6H how to create digital book reviews.  It was fun to teach children who were older than us. – John and Hannah




We have been learning about similes, onomatopoeia, metaphors and alliteration. – Ross

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After finishing our class novel Billionaire Boy, we wrote a detailed story about Billionaire Girl.  We had to include lots of descriptions of characters and setting. – Kayla and Steven E

‘I loved the writing this morning as it makes me want to write my own story when I get home.’ – Molly

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This week in Maths we have been learning how to make different amounts using money and calculate the correct change. This was fun but also challenging. – Rosie and Hannah

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We have been learning how to use a key of a map and find specific locations on a map. –  Jude and Victoria

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This weeks class comments

What have you learned this week?


‘I learned about education in Alloa in the past.’ – Rosie

‘I’ve learned to round to the nearest pound.’ – Molly

‘I have learned how to write a persuasive letter.’ – Jude

‘I have learned how to join up my handwriting.’ – Jamie

‘I have learned about inference questions.’ – Kayla

‘I have learned that Mary Queen of Scots once lived in Alloa Tower.’ – Dylan

‘This week I have learned some of the months of the year in French.’ – Ava

‘I have learned about inference questions.’ – Glen

‘This week I have learned Gaelic numbers 1-10.’

Persuasive Writing

Last week, we were learning about persuasive writing.  Learning how to persuade our reader through structured arguments,  emotive language, use of rhetorical questions and repetition.

The Task

The class had to write a letter to Clackmannanshire Council to convince them no to build houses on West End Park.  The class had brilliant arguments and wrote fantastic letters.

Star Writers




Term 3 Targets

Primary 5

Topic/Learning Context

Our Learning Context for this term will be a Local Study on Alloa.

The main focuses of our learning will be:

  • What is the history of Alloa?
  • How has Alloa changed?
  • What are the geographical features in and around Alloa?
  • What is there to see and do in Alloa?
  • What statistical data is there for Alloa?
  • What is the significance of Alloa Tower past and present?

Core Literacy

  • We will be learning about persuasive language and how to use writing techniques e.g. word choice, repetition to persuade our reader.
  • Focussing on developing our reading comprehension using our novel studies.
  • Continue to improve our written work through focussing on the technical aspects of writing including word choice, grammar and punctuation always keeping in mind the purpose, style and audience for our writing.
  • Continue to learn spelling rules and participate in a variety of activities to promote and help develop our spelling.


Core Numeracy

  • We will develop our understanding of money, focusing on developing strategies to solve money problems
  • We will develop our understanding of the different ways in which we use measure in our everyday lives, with focus on converting units of measure and estimation.
  • As part of our Local Study topic we will be learning about the compass points for direction.
  • We will continue to reinforce our Mental Agility through various mental strategies and activities on a daily basis.


This week P5 started Digital Ninjas.  We worked with P1S to show them how to create an iMovie about verbs.

P1 were good at recording videos – Jude

We enjoyed working with P1 – Kai

It was very fun and we taught them how to record and take pictures on the ipad. -Jamie

We were teaching them about verbs – John

We taught them how to do an iMovie – Cohan

The P1 enjoyed themselves -Raegan

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Mental Maths

We have been learning how to use an empty number line to help solve number problems.

I am getting better at solving maths problems and I don’t mind going into the thousands. -Molly

It is very easy – Jamie

It makes the sums easier to answer – Ross

I think it is quite fun – Dylan

I think it is easier than other ways – Jude


Learning Sustainability

We learnt about where cotton came from and it was really fun – Raegan

In a group, we had to order statements to explain how cotton is made into jeans – Molly

We learned than cotton is mainly produced in poor and hot countries – Jamie

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Back to school


This weeks Star Writers

We have been learning how to improve our writing by adding descriptive words and phrases to our work to make it more interesting to the reader.  We have started to include alliteration and similes to give extra detail and continue to build on WOW words.

Our task this week was to retell the story of the ‘The Snowman.’ Firstly we had to set the scene, introduce the main characters and decide what happens to the boy and the snowman.  The next day we peer-assessed our stories and shared with our partner what was good and how they could improve.

Here is some examples of the descriptions used in our writing this week:

The snowman was as high as a sky scraper. – Raegan

It looked like you were inside a snow globe.- Rosie

The energetic  boy frantically searched for his clothes so he could go and play in the snow. – Raegan

The snow fell hard and the wind blew wild.  -Evan

The snow was as deep as an ocean. – Hannah

The tree branches were as prickly as hedgehogs. – Jude

The snow was as thick as a mattress. – Rosie

Wonderful winter wonderland. – Raegan

The snowman had big black buttons. – Dylan

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We have been working on our mental agility, learning different strategies to solve number problems.  The class have also been playing countdown to help develop their pace and problem solving skills.

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Christmas Party


On Thursday we went to the Purple Wing Christmas party. We did some Scottish dancing which was good fun.  We played some games – corners, musical bumps, statues and pass the parcel. We went back to class and had crisps and juice.

We had fun!

by Hannah, Dylan, Olivia, Victoria and Cohan.

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Highlights from this week

I loved doing my writing about the cat Mog and drawing a picture to go in the newspaper. I also liked doing ‘My toon’ Scots task.


This week we have been learning our Christmas songs.   We have also been learning about prefixes and suffixes.  We did a task and we had to put a prefix at the start of a word.


I liked when we wrote the newspaper report about Mog because it was very fun. We also have been learning Roman Gods and Goddesses.


This week we have been learning about Roman Gods and Goddesses. We made a poster of Gods and Goddesses and their powers.



We have started using this fun Maths game called Sum Dog. We have a character and can create a house, buy stuff and get pets.  The best thing is the Maths games are so much fun and everyone loves them.


We have been learning some Scots words, for example, ‘roond aboot’ is roundabout, ‘toon’ is town and ‘cludgie’ is toilet.


This week we made Roman pots and also learned about Roman gods and goddesses this week and have to do an activity as part of our topic.


This week we have been writing about Mog’s Christmas.


This week we have been learning about time in Maths and writing a news report and my title had alliteration in it ‘Mog’s Chaos Christmas.’



This week we watched the Mog advert and then wrote our own newspaper report revealing that Mog had started the fire.


This week we have started to do Scottish dancing. We learned the Dashing white sergeant.


Term 1 Review

The children really enjoyed their learning on light and electricity this term. The topic involved them successfully completing a presentation, problem solving, and working together in groups. Rich discussions were had especially when making different electrical circuits, and the children had opportunities to create their own in groups and discuss why they worked well or how they could be improved. When learning about light, they focused particularly on reflection in lots of different forms, for example within their eye, and through looking at famous paintings (e.g. Water Lilies by Monet) and creating their own versions of these paintings.