week before the holidays


We have been learning about Islam.  We watched video clips about Muslims in the mosque and how they live their lives.  In groups we  crated posters  about the five core values of Muslims.




We have been learning about the animal kingdom and how they are split into two main groups: vertebrates and  invertebrates.

We played an insects game, we watch videos learning about different living things  and then we did a group activity.  We had different species on a piece of paper, we had to sort them into invertebrates and  vertebrates. Then we learned vertebrates are split into 5 main groups birds, fish, amphibians, mammals and reptiles.



Digital Ninjas

We worked with p4 and showed them how to use the app comic life.  We had to do number problems and guide our partner through each step. The p4 had to solve the number problem and explain each step which was recorded by pictures and text.  It was fun!  



By Declan and Cohen

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