Fabulous February Fun

This week…


Digital Ninjas

This week in digital ninjas we were teaching P6H how to create digital book reviews.  It was fun to teach children who were older than us. – John and Hannah




We have been learning about similes, onomatopoeia, metaphors and alliteration. – Ross

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After finishing our class novel Billionaire Boy, we wrote a detailed story about Billionaire Girl.  We had to include lots of descriptions of characters and setting. – Kayla and Steven E

‘I loved the writing this morning as it makes me want to write my own story when I get home.’ – Molly

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This week in Maths we have been learning how to make different amounts using money and calculate the correct change. This was fun but also challenging. – Rosie and Hannah

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We have been learning how to use a key of a map and find specific locations on a map. –  Jude and Victoria

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