Term 3 Targets

Primary 5

Topic/Learning Context

Our Learning Context for this term will be a Local Study on Alloa.

The main focuses of our learning will be:

  • What is the history of Alloa?
  • How has Alloa changed?
  • What are the geographical features in and around Alloa?
  • What is there to see and do in Alloa?
  • What statistical data is there for Alloa?
  • What is the significance of Alloa Tower past and present?

Core Literacy

  • We will be learning about persuasive language and how to use writing techniques e.g. word choice, repetition to persuade our reader.
  • Focussing on developing our reading comprehension using our novel studies.
  • Continue to improve our written work through focussing on the technical aspects of writing including word choice, grammar and punctuation always keeping in mind the purpose, style and audience for our writing.
  • Continue to learn spelling rules and participate in a variety of activities to promote and help develop our spelling.


Core Numeracy

  • We will develop our understanding of money, focusing on developing strategies to solve money problems
  • We will develop our understanding of the different ways in which we use measure in our everyday lives, with focus on converting units of measure and estimation.
  • As part of our Local Study topic we will be learning about the compass points for direction.
  • We will continue to reinforce our Mental Agility through various mental strategies and activities on a daily basis.

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