Term 4

Primary 5

Topic/Learning Context

Our Learning Context for this term will be Body Systems and Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood.

The main focuses of our learning will be:

  • Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Nervous System.
  • Families and Friendship
  • Animal/Human Lifecycles
  • Maintaining a healthy body / personal hygiene
  • Body parts including reproductive organs and their function
  • Physical and emotional changes during puberty

Core Literacy

  • We will engage in activities to develop our skimming and scanning skills.
  • We will develop our reading comprehension using our novel studies.
  • Continue to improve our written work through focussing on the technical aspects of writing including paragraphs, planning, structure and sequencing.
  • Continue to learn spelling rules and participate in a variety of activities to promote and help develop our spelling.


Core Numeracy

  • We will develop our understanding of multiplication, division and fractions.
  • We will learn to solve multi-step problems by selecting and carrying out appropriate mental and written strategies and sharing with others.
  • We will develop our understanding of equivalent fraction, using this knowledge to put in order a set of commonly used fractions.
  • We will continue to reinforce our Mental Agility through various mental strategies and activities on a daily basis.


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