School Trip

Last week Primary 5 went to Glasgow Science centre.   We had a great day!

Here are some photos and class comments.

I liked the weird room as it feels like everything is at an angle. – Molly

I enjoyed the fun house in the science centre. You had to stay on your feet even though it felt like it was moving. – John  

The balls were really heavy and you had to roll them to the other side.  It was really tricky. – Katie


I liked mixing chemicals together in the DNA workshop. – Jude

I liked the DNA workshop. – Hannah

I enjoyed the Bodyworks workshop because the women set icing sugar on fire.  It felt really hot.  – Steven

I really enjoyed the science centre and I wished we could have seen more. – Raegan

I liked when we got to see the camera go down the oesophagus. -Victoria

Term 4

Primary 5

Topic/Learning Context

Our Learning Context for this term will be Body Systems and Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood.

The main focuses of our learning will be:

  • Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Nervous System.
  • Families and Friendship
  • Animal/Human Lifecycles
  • Maintaining a healthy body / personal hygiene
  • Body parts including reproductive organs and their function
  • Physical and emotional changes during puberty

Core Literacy

  • We will engage in activities to develop our skimming and scanning skills.
  • We will develop our reading comprehension using our novel studies.
  • Continue to improve our written work through focussing on the technical aspects of writing including paragraphs, planning, structure and sequencing.
  • Continue to learn spelling rules and participate in a variety of activities to promote and help develop our spelling.


Core Numeracy

  • We will develop our understanding of multiplication, division and fractions.
  • We will learn to solve multi-step problems by selecting and carrying out appropriate mental and written strategies and sharing with others.
  • We will develop our understanding of equivalent fraction, using this knowledge to put in order a set of commonly used fractions.
  • We will continue to reinforce our Mental Agility through various mental strategies and activities on a daily basis.


World of Work Week


The class have been enjoying taking part in various workshops and talks from businesses in the community.

Here are some pictures from the Forestry Commission workshop.

We learned about various jobs and the importance of looking after our rural landscape.