
This week P5 started Digital Ninjas.  We worked with P1S to show them how to create an iMovie about verbs.

P1 were good at recording videos – Jude

We enjoyed working with P1 – Kai

It was very fun and we taught them how to record and take pictures on the ipad. -Jamie

We were teaching them about verbs – John

We taught them how to do an iMovie – Cohan

The P1 enjoyed themselves -Raegan

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Mental Maths

We have been learning how to use an empty number line to help solve number problems.

I am getting better at solving maths problems and I don’t mind going into the thousands. -Molly

It is very easy – Jamie

It makes the sums easier to answer – Ross

I think it is quite fun – Dylan

I think it is easier than other ways – Jude


Learning Sustainability

We learnt about where cotton came from and it was really fun – Raegan

In a group, we had to order statements to explain how cotton is made into jeans – Molly

We learned than cotton is mainly produced in poor and hot countries – Jamie

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