The Romans

This week we have been learning the story of Romulus and Remus. We listened to the story and then were set a challenge to sequence the story in our group. It was hard!

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We did a storyboard on Romulus and Remus and their life when they were young. We had to retell the story and drew a picture to go with it.



At the end we answered a variety of different questions in a quiz to do with the story. The class did really good!


Olivia, Jude and Hannah

On Thursday the class researched  using books and ipads to find out about the Romans.  Each group had to create a fact-file poster.

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Busy week

We have had a busy week back at school.  We started our new topic The Romans.

Here are some photos the children have taken and the class have added their own comments about what they have been learning.

P5 Class Comments

I have been learning about Roman food and I didn’t know Romans did not know about chocolate, lemons and coffee.  Victoria

I have learned about Roman numbers. Ava

I have learned that Romans are famous for their roads. Rosie

We have learned about Romans and what they eat. Katie

I have been learning about Time in maths and it is fun. Neve

I think that learning about time is fun.  I’m exited to tell Mum about the new boy joining the  class. Molly

I have learned roman numbers. glen

I have been learning about roman roads. Alicia

We have been leaning about time it is a little bit hard.  We have also started our new topic and have been learning about Roman food.  Laura

We have been learning about food the Romans would eat and what surprised me is that they use to eat camel feet! Kayla