P5 Class Comments

Here are some comments from the P5 class about what they have enjoyed learning about this week:

“I enjoyed playing the Cool in School Facial expression games. We were learning about how we can communicate through our faces.”




“I enjoyed learning about light. We learned about transparent, translucent and opaque objects and learned about light sources and light reflectors.”



“I enjoyed Duncan Scott coming into school. I like the challenge cards in class as they are interesting.”


“I enjoyed doing experiences learning about refraction. We got a cup of a water and we drew an arrow and put it behind the glass and it looked all squint.”



“I enjoyed when Duncan Scott came to visit, I got to touch the Olympic Medal and I liked when we got to ask him questions.”


“I enjoyed Duncan Scott coming and answering our questions.”


“I enjoyed the light experiment learning about how the light reflects differently on different objects.”



“I like French. I like learning different languages.”

“I like playing French games and learning new French words.”


“I enjoyed learning about shadows as we got to use torches.”


“I enjoyed Science and doing experiences.”


“I enjoyed touching Duncan Scott’s medals and asking him questions.”


“I like learning French numbers.”


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