P2M visit to Alloa Library

On Thursday 22nd October, P2M walked to Alloa Library  with Mrs McCole to find out all about the fun things we can do if we join our local library.

We looked around the different areas of the library and did some of the activities.  We all borrowed a book from the library but we had to take extra care of it.  We also had to make sure that we didn’t lose it because they were taken out under Miss Maude’s library card!!

Thank you to Elise’s Mum and Farrah’s big cousin for helping us on our trip.

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Team Work

Primary 2M were set a challenge to make  Mr Tall.  We had to use our drawing , cutting and measuring skills.  We also had to work as a team.  Before we started we discussed things we would need to remember to do when working with others.  We said that everyone had to take part, no one was to be like Mr Bossy, help others in your group if they need help and no arguing!

Please have a look at our photographs001 003 004 005Every group completed their challenge!

Miss Maude and Mrs Kennedy were very impressed with the way the children worked together.  Everybody was very busy and helped each other throughout the task.  We heard lots of encouragement and no arguing!  Well done everybody!