The afternoon sports day took place on Thursday 1st June. Thank you very much to Mark from Active Start for leading this. The children were all very enthusiastic, well done!
Author Archives: Miss Wright
Wee Scones
The Nursery children have been working very hard to create a Cafe which will soon be opening for family, friends and members of the community.
Children have chosen the centre pieces for each table, created menus, designed their own placemats, created signs and have been practising taking on different roles. We also spoke about the safety aspects of a cafe.
The cafe has given the children real life experiences.
This week we invited some staff from the school to attend our Cafe. They enjoyed tea, coffee, juice and a selection of cakes.
World of Work and Money Week
Tuesday 23rd May
Today Jack’s Mum came to Nursery to tell us abut her job. She is a Prosthetist.
She told us how to make plaster casts, showed some of the prosthetic limbs that she fits and showed us some photos of people using their prosthetic limbs.
Thank you to Jack’s Mum for visiting today.
Wednesday 24th May
Today Ben’s Dad came to Nursery to talk to us about his job. He is in the Royal Navy and is a Submariner. He works away from home for a long time.
The submarine goes underwater and has no windows. If the submarine is close to the surface, the submariners can use the periscope to see above the water. The submarines do not have very much space on them.
Thank you to Ben’s Dad for taking the time to talk to the children today.
Thursday 25th May
Today Cameron’s Dad talked to us about his job – he owns ‘The Forge’ in Menstrie.
The children got lots of ideas for their Nursery cafe.
Thank you to Gordon for giving up his time.
Almond Valley
Welcome Miss MacLeod
Miss MacLeod will be with us every Thursday until the end of term. She will be covering Mrs Nimmo’s Star Group as Mrs Nimmo will be delivering POPP programme.
Trashion Fashion
Health Week
The children really enjoyed ‘Health Week’ and the activities on offer. They planted seeds with the Primary 6 children, had a taster session of ‘Krav Maga’ which was delivered by Findlay’s Dad, listened to a talk from the Chemist, participated in a handwashing experiment, participated in ‘Enjoy-a-Ball’ with Hannah and enjoyed making and tasting fruit kebabs. We would like to say a special thank you to Findlay’s Dad for taking the time to come in and teach us new skills.
Tea Party
Recently Ms Russell and some children delivered an invitation to the residents of Menstrie House inviting them to come to the Nursery for a tea party on Monday 20th March. Two members of staff, Catherine and Audrey, from Menstrie House accompanied Agnes, Janet, Maisie and Vera to Nursery. Our visitors enjoyed tea and cakes with some of the children. They enjoyed a tour of the Nursery and all children sang some of their favourite songs to them before they left. The children also drew them some pictures to take back to Menstrie House.
Sustainability Event
Come along and join us at the Sustainability Event in the Dumyat Centre on Thursday 23rd March. The event will be on from 2 – 6pm.
At the event, you can expect to see:
- Nursery to Primary 7 children and staff showcasing their learning
- Clackmannanshire Council Flood Risk Management and Emergency Planning Teams
- Scottish Flood Forum
- Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
- The Conservation Volunteers
- JBA Consultants Ltd.
- Tilhill Forestry Ltd.
Exploring Nature
Findlay’s Mummy very kindly brought in some frogspawn for us!
Mrs Stanners has helped the children to create a small pond in the garden.
We know that tap water has chemicals which may harm wildlife so we decided to collect some rain water.
Mrs Stanners helped the children to make rain catchers out of some recycled bottles.
The children then helped to create a risk assessment for a visit to Menstrie Burn. We walked to the Burn and collected some water from there too.
We are going to keep some frogspawn inside the Nursery and put some into our small garden pond.
We hope that they will grow into tadpoles and then grow into frogs!