Welcome Back
The Nursery team would like to welcome back all of our returning children and families and give a warm welcome to all our new starts. We are holding an Open Evening on Thursday 20th September from 7pm-8pm where you can meet all the staff and your child’s Key Worker. Unfortunately this is for parents and carers only and we ask that no children attend.
We are delighted to announce that Mrs Sammy Parker has joined our team full-time at Menstrie. Mrs Parker will be the keyworker for the Star group. Ms Julie McCheyne has secured a post as our Learning Assistant who will be with us each day from 10:30am-1:30pm. Miss Sammi Tasker has secured a full time post and will be the keyworker for the Rainbow group. Mrs Kerry Stanners will be in Nursery Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning as the Cloud keyworker. Mrs Sue Gardiner will be the Cloud group keyworker on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. Ms Elaine Williamson will continue to be the Moon group keyworker from Tuesday – Friday. Mrs Lucy Docherty, our trainee Early Years Educator will be shadowing Ms Williamson this year. The main point of contact for the Moon group on a Monday is Mrs Docherty. Ms Tracy Russell will continue to work each day in the nursery and will remain the keyworker for the Sun group. We also have Mrs Sarah Seville, a Nursery Teacher joining us every Wednesday for a full day and a Thursday morning. Miss Jenny McEwan will continue as the Senior Early Years Educator.
Session Times
The morning session has two door opening times: 8:30am-8:40am and again at 9:00am- 9:10am. Can we ask that parents/carers try and keep to the door opening times as staff are busy settling and engaging with the children. The door will open again at 11:30am-11:40am for pick-up.
The afternoon session starts at 12:20pm-12:30pm and has two door opening times at the end of the day: 2:50pm-3:00pm and 3:20pm-3:30pm.
If your child attends Nursery for a full day and is dropped off between 8:30am-8:40am then they must be collected at 2:50pm. If your child is dropped off between 9:00am-9:10am then your child must be collected at 3:20pm (or earlier if you prefer.)
Learners Focus
During this month we will be focusing on the meaning of ‘safe’ and ‘responsible’ with the children. This is the beginning of various workshops which will be ongoing throughout the school year and will cover the meanings of:
- Safe
- Healthy
- Achieving
- Nurtured
- Active
- Respected
- Responsible
- Included
Lunch Boxes
Just a small reminder that if your child stays for lunch, could you please ensure that an ice-pack is in your child’s lunch box. If you choose to give your child grapes as part of their lunch could you please cut them in half as full grapes are a choking hazard. We are also unable to heat up food for your child at nursery. Thank you.
Play on Pedals
Miss Tasker is our ‘Play on Pedals’ champion this year. She will be offering the programme to pre-school children first who are unable to ride a 2 wheeled bike. This will be offered to pre-pre school children later on in the school year. This programme focuses on helping children to learn to use a balance bike and make the smooth transition to using a two wheeled pedal bike. The Nursery already have their own supply of balance bikes which we will be using with the pre-school children when we start delivering the programme. Letters have been sent out to pre-school children. We would appreciate if you could return the letters as soon as possible to Miss Tasker to enable the children to begin the programme.
Clackmannanshire Council have provided each Early Years Practitioner with an iPad. Your children’s learning will become available online during this term instead of using the black books for Learning Journals. Each child will have their own E-Journal which will have significant observations made from their key-worker or another member of staff within the Nursery. You will be able to view your child’s E-Journal online. Can we please ask that each parent/carer fills out their own home e-mail address on the ‘E-Journal’ sheet which can be found at the desk where they sign-in. Each time an observation is made, you will receive and e-mail informing you of this. The address is: http://Menstrie.yourlearningjournals.co.uk
Wellcomm Screening
As part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, our main focus in Menstrie Primary is literacy and language. As part of this we will assess children’s language skills and carry out various language activities in order to close the attainment gap.
Numeracy Trajectories
Another main focus in nursery is numeracy. At the start of this term, we will assess each child’s numeracy skills/knowledge. The data which is gathered will then be collated to form small groups of children who will participate in fun, challenging, active numeracy experiences in order to close the attainment gap. We will then assess each child at the end of the school year.
Dates for your Diary
- Week beginning 10th September – Maths Week
- 20th September 7pm-8pm – Nursery Open Evening
- 11th October 7pm-8:30pm – Coffee Evening
- Week beginning 15th October – October holidays