Monthly Archives: April 2018

April 2018


We would like to welcome Mrs Sue Gardiner and Mrs Helen Thomson to our nursery team. Mrs Gardiner will be in nursery all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Mrs Thomson will be in nursery on a Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday, Friday.

Nursery Outing

We will be going on our annual nursery outing to Almond Valley on Friday 22nd June. We are currently sorting out ratios of children:adults and will display our parent helper list on the board in the foyer soon. If you have not returned your child’s permission slip and £5 please do so by Friday 27th April.

Health Week

As part of Health Week before the Easter holidays, the children had taster sessions of different activities. We would like to thank John Miller who provided sessions of Krav Maga for the children, Greg Marshalsey who ran a children’s bootcamp, Jen Stenhouse who taught the children dance and Gordon Pirrie who helped make pizza with the children and discussed healthy foods. We had a visit from Waitrose who supplied healthy foods for the children to try and Active Start taught the children Bollywood dance.

Wee Scones Café

Just a reminder that the Sun Groups café will take place on Tuesday 8th May at 1:45pm-2:30pm and Thursday 10th May at 10:30am-11:15am. Children are in the process of making invitations which will be sent home soon.


We would love to hear about any achievements your child has at home or at clubs which they attend. Please inform your child’s keyworker of any which you would like to share.

Learners Interests

Through observing the children’s interests we have decided to focus on growing. We will be planting seeds and growing vegetables soon. There has been an interest in babies since returning from the Easter holidays so could we ask that each child brings in a baby photo of themselves.


Just a reminder that parents/carers can add photographs to their child’s gallery on their e-Journal.

Dates for the Diary

  • Public Holiday – Monday 7th May
  • Sun café – Tuesday 8th May – 1:45pm
  • Sun café – Thursday 10th May – 10:30am
  • Tuesday 5th June – Sports day morning session
  • Thursday 8th June – Sports day afternoon session
  • Tuesday 12th June – 3:30pm-4:30pm Transition meeting for new starts in P1
  • Friday 22nd June – Almond Valley
  • Tuesday 26th June – Teddy Bears Picnic
  • Wednesday 27th June – Gary Dunn Magician (AM/PM) Children who do not attend on a Wednesday will receive a session time which they can attend.
  • Thursday 28th June – Pre school graduation – 1:45pm
  • Friday 29th June – last day of term