A snapshot from our Christmas Movie afternoon. 
Thanks to those that came in to support us.

Christmas wreath activity with our reading buddies from Primary 2.

We participated in different reading activities today.
The Iron Man group followed some specific ‘remember tos’ when organising the class library. In this task they used skills in teamwork, understanding of genre, alphabetical order andproblem solving.
Midnight Gang worked independently on comprehension skills.
Alfie Onion worked with Mrs Robertson on inference.
Read Write Inc. read for enjoyment and then worked on this week’s sound ‘ir’ with Mrs Robertson.
Some children (from across different groups) worked with Mrs Johnston on reading and grammar.
Yesterday we used syringes filled with solid, liquid and gas examples to help us consolidate our understanding of the 3 terms.
We also learned about how the particles in each substance move and react and we learned about the diagrams that a a solid, liquid and gas might be represented by

Today we started learning 9 x table facts.
We learned a range of strategies for remembering the products ofthe multiplication sums. Many of the strategies are to do with the patterns we spotted in the table.
Our fast finisher activities were used to revise a range of tables,not just the 9.
Tomorrow we will consolidate our learning and use what we know in trickier sums.

We went outside on a scavenger hunt. We had to work out the answers to a variety of multiplication and division sums. Each answer corresponded to a different letter. We had to unscramble the letters to make a secret phrase.

We also worked with our reading buddies today on a poppy craft.
Our poppies are now up in the corridor, near the foyer, along with a ‘thank you’ display Miss Wyman organised. Have a look the next time you’re in.

Next week, as part of homework, the children will be asked to read in the ‘craziest’ (whilst remaining safe) places.
Enthusiasm, competitiveness and creativity took over at Loose Parts today when these children started the challenge early! 

Today we went out to Loose Parts Play and we were joined by our reading buddies.
Despite having not been out at LLP for a while, we could easy recall the rules of the area and put them into practise outside.
This week we had mud pancakes, a writing den, obstacle courses,digging, climbing, horse riding and rope swings.

Yesterday the class were given a Halloween themed STEM challenge.
They had to work in teams to build a structure out of newspaper, that would hold a pumpkin.
Most of the structures managed to hold the pumpkin for at least 2 seconds.
It was a fun way to spend the last part of the day. 

In spelling today, we were asked to be ‘self managers’ and takeresponsibility for how we wanted to practise our spelling words.
Some of us used slime, some played darts, others wrote lists andsome of us played games.
Lost of creativity, responsibility, effort and fun.

Last week we started looking at multiplication as our focus within numeracy and maths.
Yesterday, we worked on the 4 times table as a main focus and then there were opportunities to practise and/or challenge us too.

At the end of the lesson yesterday, we each created a question.
This morning we used those questions as a warm up for numeracy. This tested our previous learning and also gave us a purpose for writing the questions for our class.
We also self-assessed our work using a traffic light to show Mrs Robertson how we found each question.
Halloween pumpkin challenge with our reading buddies thisafternoon. 

Lovely day out at the Forth Education Centre, learning all aboutbridges.
Team work, problem solving, developing skills for life and, forsome, facing fears during the bridge walk!
Well done all for your effort and behaviour.
(Thanks Scott, for accompanying us on the excursion).

Guy Fawkes Challenge
Well done everyone! Thanks to parents and carers who supported us today and thanks to those that supported by sending in clothes etc. for us to use.
A fun and successful morning. 
Guy Fawkes preparations underway.