Category Archives: November

Find out what’s happening in and around the school this month

P5/6 and P6/7 visit to United Auctions

Today we went to United Auctions in Stirling, to learn all about farming.

We visited a range of different stalls including ‘eggtastic’ eggs, lif eof chicks with the Coop, bees, food assurance, cereals, muesli,transport, animals, food miles and dairy.

🍎 🥩 🐣 🥚 🐄

At each stall we learned about the importance of farming in these different areas, the jobs connected to them and the different skills and interests required for different roles.

🐝 🍯✈ 🚛

Our last stop was a trip to the auction mart, where we bid on the different animals that we had met earlier in the day.

Deerpark hadthe highest bid for the geese and the Pigmy Goats. 🐐
We participated, listened well and gave positive feedback about our experience, when we returned to school.

Friday Assembly

Image result for pudseyIt was great to see so many children and staff taking part in our efforts to raise money for Children In Need by wearing onesies or pyjamas.

It was a very colourful asssembly with lots of minions,superheros, disney princesses, animals, spots and Pudseys!

We raised £128.75!!!! Well done everyone!

Numeracy Stars for this week are Chloe F , Jake K ,Conner , Aimee Gl , Ellie , Layton and Phoebe

Literacy Stars for this week are Damien , Jake E, Kayla,Billierose, Miley, Sophie, Amber & Rosie, Dean , Megan, Declan  and Lewis Mc

Star Pupils for this week are Daniel , Ross , Taryn & Noah S , Hannah Mc , Hannah , Chloe Mc  and Ciaran& Shane .

Makaton Signers of the week are Katie and Nikodem .

Congratulations to all of our Stars. We are so proud of you all.

Please remember that next week school is closed to pupils onThursday and Friday for in-service days.

Our staff will beparticipating in training for outdoor learning and reading as part ofour school improvement plan.

Snapshot Jotters

From 6 to 10 November all children’s learning was recorded in their Snapshot Jotter.

These were sent home with children on Friday 17 November.

We’d be grateful if you could spend a few minutes looking through this with your child and discussing their learning.

There is an evaluation on the final page for the week where you can read your child’s comments and add your own thoughts too.

Snapshot jotters should be returned to school by 27 November so that they can be used again in May 2018.

We hope that you find this useful prior to parents’ evenings.

What’s Happening in School?

There are a number of exciting things happening across the school that we’d like to share with you!

In Primary 1, many parents have been visiting for our successful ‘Stay and Play’ sessions.  These will continue into November.  P1 parents can come Wednesdays from 9:00 – 9:45am.

  Primary 2 have begun the ‘Read Write Inc.’ literacy programme, which is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.  The boys and girls are really enjoying their work!  Primary 1, 3 and 4 will begin towards the end of November.

  Primary 4 and Primary 7 enjoyed a trip to Perth for a Scots reading of Fantastic Mr Fox.  Children watched the film and reviewed using Scots language.

Primary 5 have a new class member – Junior the snail!  The children have been learning how to care for him and have been excitedly sharing this with children across the school.

Primary 6 (along with those in Craigbank and Fishcross) are currently participating in the Youth Music Initiative Clackmannanshire Brass Project.  All children have been given an instrument to take home.  The children are learning how to play them in school and will demonstrate their skills along with the other schools in a performance later in the school year.

  Primary 7 children will be involved in the ‘Max in the Middle’ project next week.  Across the week, the class will focus on various scenarios regarding healthy living: preparing and tasting food; being physically active; reflecting on their experiences, and transforming their learning into a drama and dance-based performance for parents and carers on Friday 4th November.

McTough Obstacle Course- Sponsored Event

 This years sponsored event is The McTOUGH kids Obstacle Course and will take place on Wednesday 9th November 2016.

The course consists of a climbing wall, cargo net, ninja rings and tunnels. The company providing the equipment are fully trained and insured.

All pupils will need a change of clothes/shoes and a towel as there is the high possibility your child will get muddy/wet. We cannot predict the Scottish weather and the event will go ahead hail, rain or shine.

Parents are invited to come along and watch your child or perhaps you would like to join in and raise some sponsor money yourself. (forms available from school office)

The timetable for the day is as follows


9.20am – 9.50am       Primary 7


9.55am – 10.25am      Primary 6


10.55am – 11.25am     Primary 5


11.30am – 12.00pm     Primary 4


1.05pm – 1.35pm        Primary 1


1.40pm – 2.10pm        Primary 2


2.15pm – 2.45pm        Primary 3


Please sign the sponsor form on the reverse of the letter sent home to give your child permission to participate in the event.