Category Archives: May

May 2022 Newsletter

May Newletter

Dates for the Diary

Dates for the Diary

• School closes for Easter holidays – Friday 1st April

• School reopens Tuesday 19th April

• Dress Down Day Friday – 29th April (in order to raise school funds)

• May Monday 2nd May (school closed)

• Dress Down Day Friday – 27th May (in order to raise school funds)

• Friday 3rd June Queen’s Jubilee (school closed)

• P7 Leavers’ Assembly Friday 17th June

• School closes for the summer Friday 24th June at 1pm

P6/7 Into Film Creations

P6/7 have been working with Scott from Into Film and used their new skills to create adverts to encourage our school community to join our Race for Life event on Friday 6th June.

Into Film is an educational charity that puts film at the heart of children and young people’s learning.

View all 4 adverts below.


Clackmannanshire Primary Schools Sports Association Athletics Championship

Today a group of Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils took part in the Clackmannanshire Primary Schools Sports Association Athletics Championship at Lornshill Academy.

Team Deerpark!

WELL DONE to all our pupils who took part,  they all showed so much effort and resilience at today’s event.



Eco Warriors

Trees by hrumThe Eco Warriors spent their time this week planting trees on part of the playing field that they have designated as the new Wildlife Area.
They would really appreciate that anyone playing in/around that area respect the trees and all the hard work they put into planting them. It will be sectioned off, in due course, but meantime we hope that the trees can thrive where they are.

Water Bottle Purchase

The school has a number of water bottles for sale.

Each bottle comes with 5 caps which allows you to replace the cap when needed and for cleaning.

The cost for a bottle and 5 extra caps is £2.00.

If you think you would be interested in buying a bottle and 5 caps please complete the form which was sent home this week  and send to the school office with the correct amount of money.

Realigning Children’s Services

Children in Primary 5, 6 and 7 are invited to take part in a survey by ScotCen Social Research.
The survey asks children about what they do and how they feel about their lives and is completed online during the week beginning 9 May.
All children in Primary 5, 6 and 7 have been given a letter to take home to parents and carers. If parents/carers do not wish their child to take part they should complete the tear off opt out slip and return to school before 9 May.
Children will also receive a leaflet explaining the purpose and procedures which include children being able to opt out of the survey themselves or choose to skip any question throughout the survey.