Deerpark D.E.A.R


On Wednesday 26th October we had our first ever Deerpark D.E.A.R time where everybody “Dropped Everything And Read”. Although individual classes often incorporate time for “reading for enjoyment” in to their timetables we thought it would be nice if there was at least once a week when the whole school was reading together (including all members of teaching and non-teaching staff).

This event was hugely successful and all of the children were really positive about the experience. Primary 2 were delighted when Mrs Bernard came in to their classroom to join them and liked seeing her read her book too. Mrs Kelly (PT) visited the Primary 3 and 4 class to read her book. There is already great excitement about which classroom our Senior Management Team may choose to visit next Wednesday.

There was a real buzz around the school at the end of the 15 minutes and lots of talking between the children about the books they had read. We are already looking forward to next week.

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