Racing Galore!

Last week we oganised our racing teams.  This week we were ready to race! 

We all had a practise shot using the wii and it was great fun!  Some of us are expert racers already. 

We started the real races on Wednesday.  This was after we decided on roles for each memeber of the team and we made badges to show which job we would be doing each day.  Recorder, Racer, Time Keeper and Mechanic are the roles we chose.  The Recorder writes down the position the Racer comes in and the time it takes them to get round the track, the Time Keeper uses the stop watch to time the race, the Racer races another team member and the Mechanic helps the Racer if he/she gets stuck.     All of the times and positions are being logged on our League Resluts Table (We will post a photo of this when we are half way through our League). 

“It is awesome when we play it and we win.”                               Mackenzie (P1)

When the racers get stuck at a wall, it is very funny.”                Harris (P1)

“I like when someone crosses the finish line because it is exciting to find out who has won.”   Erin (P2)

It is really cool when the cars turn into rockets.”                       Emma (P2)

Mario Madness in P1/2

We have been very busy this week because we found a Nintendo Wii in our classroom.  A message was left with it and it was from Mario asking us to help him.  He asked us to make racing teams and help him race on his tracks.  We have worked really hard to create our teams, our team banners, our team logos, team racing overalls, team names and individual racing names.  We also spent a lot of time making our safety helmets out of papier mache, they should be dry and ready to transform into our helmets next week. 

Our teams are called, Team Mario, The Super Cars, The Go Go Racers, Peach Princesses, Go Go Mario and The Bowser Team. 

Look out for our team photos coming on next week!

Happy New Year!

We all had a great holiday in P1/2 and Santa was very good to everyone!

We are back at school now and we have been working as hard as ever.  We started the week by making our own New Year’s Resolution Rockets.  Eryn is going to try and set her alarm properly, Joshua is going to try and finish all of his jobs in class and Aimee is planning to help her Gran wash the dishes.  Let’s see how long these resolutions last!

We have been doing a mini topic about Winter, this week.  We have been reading poems and learning about Jack Frost.  We made Jack Frost pictures in art and we wrote some stories about him using lots of  WOW words, like, nippy, jaggy, scary, spikey, icy, freezing, frosty and sparkly.  We also discussed what we wear in the winter time to keep us warm and cozy and we designed our own hat, glove, wellies and Coat set.  They are all very colourful with great patterns.

All Busy in P1/2…

Over the last 6 weeks Primary 1/2 have been super busy!  We have been doing lots in maths, literacy, activities relating to our Katie Morag topic, we had a day of Halloween fun, more maths, more literacy, we went on a walk around the village, we have experiemented with ice, more maths, more literacy, we have created cooperative learning groups, we have learned a Scottish Song and Poem for our Scot’s event and even more maths and more literacy!!!  WOW!  We are learning so much, so fast!

We had a great time on Friday 28th October when we were allowed to come to school in our fancy dress costumes.  We enjoyed creating some Halloween crafts and decorations to take home, getting involved in some messy Halloween party games and getting the chance to see The Wizard of Oz performance by M&M Productions in the afternoon.


We created our cooperative learning groups a few weeks ago and we have had a super time working together to complete a variety of tasks.  We gave our groups a name and made a group banner in order to create our group identity.  Our groups are:  The Saltire Group, The Isle of Struay group, The Tartan Group, The Clackmannan Tower Group and The Scotland Group.  Here we are working together.



We are always so busy in Primary 1/2 and everyone works so hard.  We are really looking forward to sharing our song and poem with our friends and family at the Scot’s Event and completeing our Big Assesssment Task in the next few weeks, in order to finish off our topic.

We just can’t believe how quickly time is flying by, we will soon be talking about that time of year that we all get so excited about…

Katie Morag Fun

We started our topic all about Katie Morag.

We all painted our own picture of Katie Morag and they are beautiful.  We have been learning about where Katie Morag lives.  In the story she lives on the Isle of Struay, which is in Scotland but it’s real name is the Isle of Coll.  We Used chalk pastels to recreate our favourite pictures of Coll and we got very messy.  Keeley and MacKenzie were working so hard that they didn’t realise they had it all over the faces.  We were all laughing!

Do you like our display all about the Isle of Coll?

Next week we will put together our map of the Isle of Struay.

By Eryn and Keeley

Welcome To P1/2’s Class Blog!

Look at the smiley faces of the children of Primary 1/2

We have been back at school now for a good few weeks and we are well and truely back into the swing of it!  The new Primary 1s have settled really well into the ways of school life and the the Primary two pupils have got right back into our daily routines.

For the first few weeks we did a book topic on the story ‘Atchoo! The complete guide to good manners’.  We focused on all the advice given in the story to create our very own ‘Garden of Good Manners’ on our classroom wall.

We showed that we have been and can be kind to each other by putting together a kindness tree showing all of the kind things we have done and we really enjoyed creating booster posters for each other in the class.  We were all very happy at the kind comments we recieved.

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