Open Evening and Sport Relief

P1/2 would like to say a huge thank you to all of our friends and family that came along to our open evening last week.  We have really enjoyed the Mario Kart theme and completing the work and we really appreciate everyone coming along to see everything that was on display.   We also need to say thanks to the people who had a race on the wii. Our class raised £14.50 for Sports Relief so well done!! Liam Francis in P5 was the Lucky winner of the Easter Bunny prize!






A great time was had by all, our open evening was a huge success, thanks again.

We also had great fun on Friday 23rd March when we took part in the assault courses to raise money for Sports Relief also…check out the Photos below!



We have had great fun this term and we are looking forward to seeing what next term will bring…

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

Our Maximec Car Designs and Science Experiment




This week we had a bit of a science investigation/experiment going on in our class.  We have been learning about FRICTION  and we now know that Friction is a force that slows you down.  We wanted to carry out an experiment to find out how friction would affect the speed of a car going down a ramp on different surfaces?



It was a lot of fun doing the experiment and measuring the distance the car had travelled using pens.  When we looked at our results, we discovered that the car went faster down the smooth surfaces because there was less friction to slow it down and that it went slower down the bumpy surfaces because there was more friction.  Before we did the experiment we tried to guess what would happen, only a few of us were right with our predictions.  It was fun finding out!!