Busy Busy Building!

We have been so busy this week in P1/2.

Our racing teams faced a building challenge this week, using the Maximec construction materials.  Could they work together to build a car that would hold one of their team members?  Sure they could!  However before we started the challenge we had a discussion about what we would see and hear during group work.  Working together, everyone contributing, sharing ideas and resources, being kind and listening to each other were a few of the things we decided.  During our writing time this week, we created posters showing all of our ideas of what team work would involve.  We can now display them around the room to remind us.

Back to our challenge though…All of our teams worked really well together, have a look at our photos, can you see anyone who isn’t engaged in the task???????

A couple of our teams have some finishing touches to add to their cars so we will add our photos when they are all complete.

We have also been busy building a pop-up book on the online programme ‘Zooburst’.  We have been creating a book about our racing teams, sharing our names and who is in the team.  We have learned how to change the background colour of our pages, how to add other pages, how to type some narrative and how to locate and upload a photograph from our shared folder.  This is quite an exciting job and we look forward to sharing our books with you!

Racing Car Designs!

We have had another great week this week, we have learned lots of new things but our favourite job this week was designing our very own racing cars!  We had lots of fun doing this and we came up with some fabulous designs.

Ross S has some fast Rocket launchers on his car, Emma has a very scary face on her car because she wants to scare the other racers away so that she can win, Ava has some springs on her car so that she can jump over the other cars, Harris has some rockets behind his wheels so that he can stay in the air and Ava can’t jump over him and Loklan has a cool flag on his to distract the other drivers.  We have got some very sneaky boys and girls in P1/2.

Look out for our photos and descriptions of our cars.  We hope you will like them!