Welcome To P1/2’s Class Blog!

Look at the smiley faces of the children of Primary 1/2

We have been back at school now for a good few weeks and we are well and truely back into the swing of it!  The new Primary 1s have settled really well into the ways of school life and the the Primary two pupils have got right back into our daily routines.

For the first few weeks we did a book topic on the story ‘Atchoo! The complete guide to good manners’.  We focused on all the advice given in the story to create our very own ‘Garden of Good Manners’ on our classroom wall.

We showed that we have been and can be kind to each other by putting together a kindness tree showing all of the kind things we have done and we really enjoyed creating booster posters for each other in the class.  We were all very happy at the kind comments we recieved.