First term at school!

Primary 6B have now been working hard for 2 weeks and have settled in very well!
We have a very unique class this year that has only 11 pupils!

We are however working very closely and linking up frequently with P6F. We are working together as classes in groups for maths, writing, gym, art, music and topic so we don’t stay a small group of 11 for very long!

In Miss Barclay’s writing group this term, we will be using the V.C.O.P approach to imaginative writing, with a particular emphasis on Punctuation. Pupils will be encouraged to check their work and their peers work carefully for errors. We will also be working on how to build up a good story by creating an interesting opener, colourful characters and convincing conclusions.

In Miss Barclay’s maths class there are two groups, Squares and Rectangles.

Squares will be working on 3D and 2D shape this term and will be discussing the properties of various shapes. We will also be looking at which shapes can tile and which can’t. Later in the term we will be looking at symmetry and will be trying to create our own symmetrical patterns! We will be continuing to learn our multiplication tables this term. We are focussing on the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times tables but will be looking at the 7 times table soon.

Rectangles will be revisiting Decimals/Fractions and Percentages this term and will be looking at the relationship and links between them. We will also be looking at negative numbers and rotational symmetry within 2D shapes.


For our topics this term our first topic will be WW2. Pupils will work in their topic groups to discover what started the war, what life was like during the war and the main events that took place during it. We are hoping to create a display in the P6/7 open area to share our learning with everyone in the school.

Our second topic in this term will be Space. Pupils will learn all about the “Space Race”, life in space as an astronaut and will learn all about the planets in the solar system.

We have a busy term ahead, which I’m sure we will all enjoy a great deal!