Burns night and other learning




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As you can see from our photographs we have been very busy at nursery over the last couple of weeks.  Our main focus has been Scottish poems and Scotland.  We have been using our pencil skills to make tartan. We have learned that thistles are the flower of Scotland. We have even had the chance to taste some haggis, with mixed results!

In Literacy we have been working on rhyming words. We have read and learned lots of Scottish poems and have listened for the rhyming words in the poems. We are getting better and better at finding rhyming words.

Next week we will be starting our new theme ‘Under the Sea.’  You can already see our nursery being transformed into the ocean and over the next few weeks we will be learning lots about this environment.



Happy New Year!

It has been a busy first week back in the nursery.  We have enjoyed sharing our stories of Christmas with our friends. We have all been working hard to get back into our nursery routine.  We have been remembering the listening and talking rules we had learned before the holidays and have been doing a great job at that.

During January we will be focussing on rules and routines as well as Scottish songs and rhymes.  You will be able to see our main learning outcomes on our notice board at the start of next week. At the end of the month we will be celebrating Burns Night and we may even try some traditional food at snack time.