Take a fresh look at Capital Collections

Our wonderful and ever-expanding online image library, Capital Collections has had a bit of a makeover recently.

You can now explore exhibitions far more easily and scroll through thumbnail galleries of images within the different exhibitions.  Capital Collections is still the place to find accompanying exhibitions on all our Whose Town? lives and eras. Put ‘whose town’ into the quick search box and another new feature flags up the related exhibitions.

If you’re looking for images of Edinburgh, you can use a new map interface to easily identify pictures in particular streets and neighbourhoods.

There’s also a new timeline tool which gives you the option to jump to pictures taken during a particular period of history.

Although Capital Collections is particularly strong on images of Edinburgh, the image library contains fantastic pictures of Scotland and further afield. Explore the collections by subject or theme and you could discover a history of toys and games with images from Edinburgh’s Museum of Childhood, or unique photographs documenting R.L. Stevenson’s Pacific travels, or our amazing collection of Japanese woodcut prints, or atmospheric paintings and engravings of Scottish landscapes dating from the 19th century.

What will you discover…?

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