Category Archives: Eco Schools

Eco Club News

On the 7th of October, the Eco Club was very lucky to be visited by Abbey from Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust. Abbey organised for two rangers from Hunter Hall Park to talk to our pupils about shelter building and conservation within the park. Our pupils even made an excellent attempt at     building their own shelter, indoors of course (due to our lovely Scottish weather!) and identifying leaves from a wide selection Abbey had collected from the park.

Castlebrae Eco Club is looking forward to being involved in more conservation activities and will  hopefully be visiting Hunter Hall Park soon to get some hands on experience.

GO4SET – ‘Go for Science, Engineering and Technology’

This year the GO4SET competition is based on designing a new school classroom. The students are expected to design a new classroom that takes in to account all the recycling, energy use and use of waste, as well as the architectural design of the space. The CDT department are working with 2C and hope to come up with some ideas that can be put in place within Castlebrae this year.