Bothy Ballads – Winter Days

Waking up to whirling wind
whistling wildly
like the speed of light blowing across
the lovely clean white snow
laying across the lovely land
the wild wind pushing the car when I drove to
When I stepped out of my car door
my feet
instantly sunk into the snow
walking to the shop
my feet was as cold as ice
squeaking when walking
down the shop isle
Up and down
up and down
up and down
and up and down
until I reached the lovely clean silver like till
reflecting like a brand new mirror.

One thought on “Bothy Ballads – Winter Days”

  1. Oh wow I love the alliteration in that first few lines – waking whirling, wind, whistling, wildly – that would sound amazing sung out loud!
    I love the description of the snow. Actually I’m feeling really cold now. Not sure it’s just because my room is freezing with the snow outside today! 😀
    Well done!

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