Bothy Ballads – Untitled

I went to the stables
to get grooming brushes,
in the braes I called for my steed
who was eating weeds yonder.
I took her into her dull dark dusty stable.
She was as dirty as an unwashed car.
Her name is Daisy
as she looks like a cow
and daisy sounds like a good cow name.
I tacked her up for a hack on the strand
it was gey hot as it was summer,
we were both sweating like a pig in an oven.

The sun was shinning so bright I was blint.
When we got home we had cooled down
I took her out the horse box
and sprayed her down with a hose
and I left her to dry in the sun like the washing.

One thought on “Bothy Ballads – Untitled”

  1. Oh wow I love the language used in this one! “Steed” “yonder” – nice ye-olde words that you’d get in an old ballad! But then “sweating like a pig in an oven” and “gey hot” sounds totally bothy ballads. Love it! 😀

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