This week P6R have been concentrating on some “short burst” writing as part of our “talk for writing” work. We have been building a tool kit to support us in our writing. We have looked at the “pattern of 3” to make writing more exciting, giving it pace and rhythm. We used a “Making Thinking Visible” zoom lesson about a tiger to create a class poem and then our own poems, thinking about the use of adjectives, similes and verbs. From this some of us went on to create some tiger pictures. We used a silent clip from the film “Up” to concentrate on dialogue in writing, looking at how to use speech marks correctly and how to use alternative words to “said” to convey meaning. Using photos of different settings, we created a descriptive scene using some of the tool kit that we have been practising this week.
We had our second meeting with our P2 reading buddies this week. The P2’s get a chance to practise their reading books with their buddy and then the P6’s read their buddy a book of choice from the book box. Both classes have been enjoying the experience and look forward to our Wednesday sessions.
It’s been such a lovely week of weather that we have taken our PE sessions outside to practise our skills.