Primary 7 Fairtrade tops

We have been very busy over the last few weeks and have been working our socks off ,literally. Our task was to design a T-shirt with something to do with faretrade on it, we had to include the fairtrade sign and had to make it 3D with the extra bits of paper we had when we finished cutting it out. Every one was really enthusiactic about doing this. the hardest bit was trying to glue them together because Mr Irvine didn’t let there to be any holes. There was many different designs.

By Keran

Football with Marshall

The last few weeks we have had football with Marshall but unfortunately have not been allowed to go on the grass or in the hall because we have it before lunch , so instead we  do good behaviour values. We have been talking about trust, honesty and respect.

By Jack




Well done Keran!

We have recently been designing bookmarks for World Book Day. The winner was picked by Mrs Macfarlane who used to used to work at the school. The winning bookmark she picked was made by Keran Andrew. Mrs Macfarlane  also kindly donated the prize which was a book token.
Well done Keran! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂