Tag Archives: minute

Mild Numeracy – What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

Tick Tock! Look at the Clock!

If you have made a timetable you might need to set an alarm to remind you to do something.

I have an alarm set for 11am to remind me to photograph the sky and an alarm set for the time I should be going to bed!

Throughout the day look at your clock on the hour and half past the hour, maybe you could set an alarm in your phone. What are you doing at those times?

Make your own clock

to do this you need to be able to

  • write the numbers 1 to 12 on stones, shells, pieces of slate.
  • order numbers to 12 in a clockwise direction
  • find a short stick and a long stick
  • colour the tip of the short stick, the hour hand

CHALLENGE – To add more information to your clock

  • Write number stones for counting in 5s up to 60
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 etc
  • order the stones clockwise starting at 12


Make a paper clock

Learn about o’clock

Learn about half past

Pretend to be a clock

  • Ask someone to shout out a time.
  • Use your arms to show what time it is.

White Rose Maths Time Booklet Year 1

White Rose Maths Time Booklet Year 2

fun TIME!

Dandelion Clocks!

When I was little I would love finding these seed heads intact and using them to ‘tell the time’. I would blow the dandelion and say 1 o’clock, blow the dandelion – 2 o’clock etc. I would ask what time it was and then try to blow the dandelion that number of times to confirm that a dandelion clock did work!

What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

Watch these children playing this game. Could you do this with your family?

Enjoy this story ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf’ being read by the author Debi Gliori

Learn these dance moves to help you keep in TIME to the music

So many of you are still enjoying learning about bees .

Then visit the Magic Door Beehive Dance to take part



Mild – Numeracy – In a minute!

What do you think you can do in a minute?

Have a go at these challenges!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning to add and subtract.

You have used blocks or numicon or buttons or fingers to work out the answer.

Let’s begin to see if we can learn to remember number facts, quickly!

Like a workout for the brain. The more you practise the better you will become at remembering number facts. Your brain will be able to tell you the fact quickly when you need it!

For example as soon as you see

1 + 1 = you know that the answer is 2.

It just pops up in your brain!

The challenge is to see how many answers you can remember in a minute!

In this sway there are sets of cards to help you practise against the clock! Take a moment to study the minute hand on a clock.

  • Doubles
  • Stories of 10
  • Adding on 2
  • Adding on 3
  • Adding on 4 etc.

These are examples of sheets that you could look at to challenge yourself, they don’t need to be printed and filled in

Every now and again have a go at one of the columns or groups of facts to give your brain a mental maths work out!

Number Bond Challenges

Number Bonds – these are numbers that add together to make another, learning number bonds, number stories, facts, helps to improve mental maths agility.

Add three numbers – number bonds to 20

Subtraction from 10 

or visit – Hit the Button!

or Daily 10 for timed challenges!