Tag Archives: dragon

Mild Literacy – Reading – Dragon Tea – Illustrator Challenge

Enjoy reading Part 2 of Dragon Tea.


Practise recognising those long vowel ‘ee’ sounds and the alternative versions – are you getting better?

Did you notice that there is no illustration for the last page of the story?

I am challenging you to make an illustration using natural materials to help finish the book.

Many of us will be celebrating V.E. Day. You might be having a tea party. Would that give you any ideas?

Please send a photograph of your idea to Ms Rossvoll or Mr Mutch and they will be added to the book!

Dragon Tea Part 1 – just incase you missed it!


Mild Health and Wellbeing – Wander in the wild!

When I wander I always spot a change of some sort or other. I love picking natural things up and collecting.

I wonder what you might collect on your wander?

Primary 1 made fantastic dragons and fairies after collecting in the school grounds!

Primary 1’s great ideas inspired me to go out and collect to make a reading book for you. Can you spot what I have collected to make the pictures with?


Now when I think about what I have learned about dandelions I would like to have a lion; and a sun in the grass would be a portal to somewhere special in my next story!

What ideas do you have?

This mild challenge encourages you and your family to investigate the different types of plants, creatures and their habitats – where they live – in your local area. These plants, creatures and us depend on each other to be healthy and survive.

A love of being outdoors and being curious about where we live and what links all living things is a never ending source of learning.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about dandelions – more information to follow!