Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN: The Results

What an Amazing Evening and Weekend we hope you all had, if you joined us for the Big Night In.


It felt amazing on Friday Evening to watch the countdown and think about everyone that was tuning in. We had at most 66 families watching the premiere event live and throughout the evening we had over a 100 views. Then it over the weekend we had many more views, we are now sitting at 363 views. This is absolutely amazing to look at. We know so many of you shared the show with others and we have had viewers from around the world with family members who can’t get home.

This was a really big project for the Methlick Community and we are really glad you enjoyed it, we can tell from the messages we have received and also the long list of Facebook comments. We really do hope that the BNI has brought some joy and laughter, brought your family together and created a happy memory for during this time.

So why are you all still reading?

Ah the results you want to see the answers…

Here they are!

The Answers

Once you have totalled up your score please leave us a comment with your team name and score and below and tell us what was your favourite part of taking part in the BIG NIGHT IN.
Reminder if you are taking part in the Mutch v Reid Challenges remember to get your scores in by Tomorrow!


52 thoughts on “Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN: The Results”

  1. We just checked our answers and team Harris Hawks got 34/48.
    We loved the quiz was a great family night!
    Thank you!

    1. Woohoo- well done your team ! So glad you enjoyed it. It was a fabulous event.
      Now- sports day grid…. are you both going to try for the gold coin? Good Luck πŸ†

  2. We had such a good time doing this, it brought a smile to all our faces. Team Khaki Campbell scored 39 out of 48!

    1. Good morning, Sophie, that’s an excellent score. I’m so glad you enjoyed the quiz. We had great fun making it too.

  3. Just checked our scores Team Big Head score was 43/48
    Methlicks Big Night In was fantastic
    We had a great time.

    1. We’re so glad you enjoyed it, Leanne. What a fantastic score you got! Well done and thanks for taking part.

  4. We had such fun on Friday night, thank you to all the teachers! We had a zoom party with my Grandparents and my Cousins in London and they did the quiz too. My family team, The Wild Strawberries scored 34/48!

    1. We’re so glad you enjoyed it, Dee. That is so lovely that you enjoyed it with so many members of your family πŸ™‚

    1. Well done Pineapples Assemble, We are glad you enjoyed it, thank you for your lovely comments. Are you excited to win some House Points for Sports Day?

    2. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Adam and Alex. It was great fun to take part and something that the community will remember for years to come. Your mascot was amazing, by the way.

    3. I didn’t realise that Pineapples Assemble was the McDonalds! Your team mascot was absolutely amazing πŸ™‚

  5. Yes we are doing our sports day right now! So much fun!! πŸ€Ύβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ

  6. my family / sparton on top got 37/48, thank you very much for holding this is , it was fantastic!! πŸ™‚

  7. The terrific Taylor’s got 36\48 it was great fun I really enjoyed it my whole family took part thank you.

  8. Well done everyone! Team tiger (roaaar) scored 33/48. Fantastic quiz, we really enjoyed it. Turns out the older team tiger members could do with returning to school for some refreshers πŸ˜…

    1. Great score, Spencer – thank you for sharing it with us. I’m so glad you enjoyed the quiz – I did too. I’m afraid I didn’t guess it was Ronaldo either, because I know absolutely nothing about football!

  9. Liesel and her dad tried the T-shirt challenge. Here are their times Liesel’s dad – 58seconds
    Liesel – 2min 30sec

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