Compare the Supermarkets – Spicy/Hot

Today’s maths challenge is related to our ‘Money’ theme.  You will be given a shopping list and challenged to find the best value online supermarket.

A minimum of 2 supermarkets should be selected, however if you wish a slightly HOTTER challenge you can, of course, choose more.

Instructions and a shopping list are contained in the Sway.

Ensure that you stick to the guidelines, and keep an eye open at all times for any special offers, such as ‘3 for 2’ or  ‘Buy-One-Get-One-Free’ as these offer good value for money.

Remember to post your results on Seesaw or write them in your jotter, and come back to the Blog to tell us how you got on!

10 thoughts on “Compare the Supermarkets – Spicy/Hot”

  1. Hi, for some reason can’t seem to be able to view this sway. It says we need to sign in to view it but then still doesn’t show up when signed in. We can see other sways posted today on the blog though? Can you help please? Thanks!

    1. Good morning, we are just contacting Mrs Rees to change the permissions on the Sway. Apologies for the delay. Thank you for letting us know.

  2. Hi there, thanks for pointing out that there was an issue with the Sway. I’ve reposted it so hopefully that will work. We were able to see it sometimes but not others!

    1. Your result is slightly different from Fraser’s, Auggie, but that would have been due to the biscuits and crisps that you chose. Well done for completing the activity!

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