Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 2 + 3

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your second week of Expressive Arts fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 2 and 3 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read both chapters?

Our activities this week:

Chapter 2 – Design and draw your version of what you think the Ickabog might look like. Click on the Sway below to see  the illustrations that were sent in.

In Chapter 3, we learned that Fred’s seamstress sadly passes away. Fred appeared to feel guilty for overworking his servant, however his friends, Spittleworth and Flapoon reassured him that he couldn’t be a nicer king. The chapter ended with Fred getting into bed.

In the comments, let’s discuss how Fred might be feeling about the tragic event as he lies in his bed.

9 thoughts on “Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 2 + 3”

  1. I think Fred is feeling
    A bit responsible but he doesn’t want to admit it to anyone because then people will think he’s a bad king.He would be worried or anxious about what the people thought of him.

    1. I completely agree with you, Harry. I think Fred is a very anxious person and is worried about how the citizens of Cornucopia feel about him. Deep down, I believe he is feeling guilty for what happened to Daisy’s mum.

  2. I agree with Harry. I think Fred feels sad and maybe ashamed of working her so hard. He’s scared to go and visit the family because he feels it’s his fault.

  3. I think king Fred is a good person because he feels very guilty about the seamstress death. He was definitely feeling guilty because when he was meeting with the other king the thought kept drifting into his head. I think the two lords are a bad influence on Fred because they made him choose not to morne with the seamstress’s family and if he had died everyone would morne for him. So basically i think if it weren’t for the two lords king Fred would have been a verymice person.(i want the two lords to be eaten by the Ickabog!).

    1. Thank you for providing such a detailed response, Austin! I completely agree with you – Spittleworth and Flapoon seem to be a very bad influence on Fred. I think they are both being very selfish with how they are trying to manipulate him. Hopefully Fred will realise that the two lords are not true friends.

  4. At the end of chapter 3 the king went to bed after his seamstress died. I think that he feels a little bit guilty and that his friends are a bad influence towards him.
    In the story he is starting to get a little selfish and doesn’t care that much that a woman just died but he cares more about his unfinished suit. He didn’t even bother to go to the seamstress’s house to say sorry that their mum or wife has died. I hope he becomes a better person.

    1. I agree, Alfie. Fred is very self-centred at the moment and is too focused on how he is viewed by others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts – I hope that you are enjoying the story a little bit more 🙂

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