House Captain’s Sports Day Speeches

Hello Everyone, our Sports Day is almost here whether you have started your grid or not our house captains would like you to hear their speeches  to motivate you to do your best this week and earn some much needed house points 🙂






23 thoughts on “House Captain’s Sports Day Speeches”

  1. Some inspiring words from your house captains.

    GO 💛🎊Gight🎊💛🏅
    GO 💙🎊Haddo🎊💙🏅
    GO ❤️🎊Schivas🎊❤️🏅

    Hope you all you enjoy a different kind of Sports Day today

  2. Well done, Alex, Emma and Lucas. Good luck to everyone taking part in Sports Day activities – I’ll be cheering you all on!

    1. well done to the both of yous , cant wait to see your results , keep working hard !!:) GOOOOOOOOO GGIIGGHHTT . ! 🙂

  3. Well Done House Captains- fabulous speeches, GREAT leadership and brilliant team spirit. Who will get the most house points ? Methlick ARE YOU READY ? Have a great Sports Day and aim high. Good Luck everyone.

  4. Go Haddo, Schivas and Gight!! I loved your speeches Lucas, Emma and Alex, so motivating and inspiring 🙂 Have fun!

  5. me and my family has completed 12 activities – mini marathon, balance bear, welly throw, star jumps , tattie and spoon, frisbee instead of dicuss, step ups , ball dribble, daily mile , skipping , washing line challenge and long jump 🙂 , how is everyone else in gight getting on and what activities have you done? 🙂 GGOOOOOOOOOOOO GIGHT 🙂

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