Health Heroes- Special Guest No4 Click Me #ComeOnYouReds

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope you have settled in to our Health and Wellbeing Fortnight Activities, this week our focus is on Physical Health due to this week being our usual Sports Day week.

With this in mind take a look at our Health Hero today:

Niall McGinn currently plays for Aberdeen F C  and Northern Ireland during international football season, Niall has played with a range of teams including Dungannon Swifts, Derry City, Celtic, Brentford and South Korean club Gwangju.

I would like to personally thank him for creating an inspiring video to help our Health Heroes campaign as always  we would LOVE for you to leave some comments, as with all our Heroes they are able to see your messages 🙂

12 thoughts on “Health Heroes- Special Guest No4 Click Me #ComeOnYouReds”

    1. I liked his message about working hard and listening to your coaches, staying safe and having goals- Just what we say in school. Great to hear him say the same message to you all directly 🙂

  1. Niall you are awesome and we love football too! We go to watch all your home games and we are your biggest fans. We have been doing football training everyday at home.
    Sam & Jack Dlugonski

    1. I knew you boys would like this one. Keep up the football, you also might be a famous player one day???

  2. Good morning, I am not a football fan but I found that very interesting and inspiring. For people who do know who he is that must be very inspirational and motivating.

  3. I really enjoyed watching that. He is one of my favourite players for Aberdeen. I have been inspired by him because I have watched lots of his games I even got to chose him as Man Of The Match when Aberdeen played Hamilton. The match sponsors left the decision to the children. Sadly they lost 🙁 The match sponsors were Morisons Construction. Come On You Reds!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you all are staying safe and healthy.

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