Feel-Good Friday – Things To Look Forward To

Good morning, everyone.  Time for another Feel-Good Friday activity.

During lockdown many people may be feeling upset, bored or frustrated because they are unable to do all the things they usually enjoy.  At times like this, it helps to remind ourselves of all the things we have to look forward to, once the lockdown is over.

Click on my Sway to find out how to make your own jar of ‘Things to Look Forward To’.

Unfortunately I left all my craft items in school so my jar doesn’t look as pretty or as nicely decorated as I’d have liked.  I’m sure yours will look much better!

I’d love to see all your decorated jars, so please share with me via my Glow email.    I will then collate them and make a Sway so that everyone can see your designs.

Have fun, and have a good weekend.  🙂





11 thoughts on “Feel-Good Friday – Things To Look Forward To”

    1. Thank you very much, Emilee. I think it would have been nicer if I’d had all my craft materials from school, but sadly I didn’t. I’m sure you’ll have much more at home to decorate yours. I’d love to see it once it’s finished. 🙂

  1. Good Morning Ms Rees

    I’ve been on Seesaw this morning and have just finished a Yoga taster session, so I’m feeling quite relaxed, but for days that I need a little pick-me-up, I think I will definitely be making something like your jar.

    1. I’m glad your yoga session has helped you feel relaxed, Mrs Webster, and I’m pleased that you’re going to be giving my jar a try. There are so many things to look forward to.

  2. We’ve been doing this for a little while. Every time we think of something we can’t do at the moment we write it on paper and put it in our chicken tin! Then we’ll try and do one them each weekend after lockdown. Most of the things we want to do involves seeing friends. We miss everybody!

    1. I know, Finlay, I think we’re all feeling the same way. It will be lovely to catch up with friends again – I’m looking forward to that very much indeed. At least you can fill up your chicken tin with lots of lovely ideas for things to do when the lockdown is over. We’ve got to stay positive! 🙂

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