Numeracy – Lego Time!

We are all learning about time. Being challenged to do something within a certain amount of time can be great fun!

Warm up with some yoga poses. Can you do at least 5 minutes of yoga each day?

Here are some Superhero Poses.

Many of you are Lego experts! Lego is something you go back to again and again! It is something you love to do!

On our timetable this week there was a column left blank for you to focus on what you LOVE learning to do.

Can you create a Lego challenge for others to complete within a certain amount of time?

Send your drawings, photos, animations, video tutorials to your class teacher and we will feature them on the blog!

This is mine – 30 second challenge – very basic! I’m not an experienced lego builder! I’m sure you can help us all to improve!



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