Health Heroes- Special Guest No1 Click Me. #VocalCoachtoTheStars

Hello Everyone,

Our First Health and Wellbeing Hero is shown in the videos below, Please take some time to watch these brief videos and leave some comments for our Special Guest to see!


I would just like to say a huge thank you to Yvie Burnettย  for taking the time to help us out during Health Fortnight.

I reached out to local personalities to highlight how anything is possible when you set your mind to itย  and also how elements of Health and Wellbeingย  impacts our Health Heroes lives.



22 thoughts on “Health Heroes- Special Guest No1 Click Me. #VocalCoachtoTheStars”

  1. Miss Deans- This is fabulous. So inspirational to hear an ex pupil talking about our school and to hear she still holds such happy memories about her time at Methlick. I love her explanation of her career and her use of music to calm her and re focus her. I hope everyone will be playing their music loud today – Yvie’s orders ๐Ÿ™‚ You are welcome back anytime Yvie for a visit to Methlick school. ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’–

  2. Miss Deans
    You have been busy.
    Niall remembers Mrs Burnett being a teacher ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿซ at Methlick and remembers Yvonne at school.
    Iโ€™m sure we would have photos upstairs of some of the teachers past.

    1. Hi Kate, thank you for watching I also remember Yvie from the x factor I think that was the first time i began to know about who she was.

  3. I really enjoyed watching this and I found it really interesting to think that she worked with all these amazing people and went to our school and got inspired by the music she learnt here!

    1. So glad you enjoyed watching this Emily, she really is an inspiring lady and very close to our roots at Methlick

  4. Amazing to hear from someone that works with all those famous people went to our school,my mum has seen her on X factor too!

  5. omg i want to work with lewis capaldi lol, my dad remembered that he had Mrs Burnett when he was at methlick primary in p1 !

    1. Isn’t it lovely reminiscing Emma
      Gives you a warm glow.
      Methlick may be a small village, but has produced so much talent.
      Can’t wait for the next local hero.
      Niall remembers Mrs Burnett teaching lower stages too.

  6. My middle is Yvie after my mum and dad saw how Yvie’s name was spelt on X factor, instead of with an ‘e’!
    She lived on the same road as my old home. Its cool she caame from Methlick and is now famous with hard work.

    1. Thats so lovely to hear about your middle name Sorcha, i thought it was great to get local heroes like Yvie to show anything is possible ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. That’s a lovely connection, Sorcha! I remember you lived on that street before you moved house. Lots of coincidences here!

  7. I enjoyed listening to the videos. I’m stuck between wanting to be a ballerina and a diver but your videos make me believe I can be either (or both!)

    1. Erin thank you so much for this comment, this is exactly what I hoped pupils at Methlick would see you can achieve anything you want by working hard and having the right mindset just like Yvie.

    1. Thank you for the kind comments it’s a great achievement and even greater to let the pupils see that anything is possible and a local face that has gone on to be very successful.

    1. Hi Ava glad you enjoyed we will have more throughout the fortnight so look out for some more Health Heroes

  8. Wow I am amazed to hear that you work with Lewis Capaldi he is my favourite! ๐Ÿ˜„
    I think itโ€™s great that you came from Methlick School. I love singing as well, Iโ€™m in P2.

    1. Glad you enjoyed watching Yvie, Charlotte ๐Ÿ™‚ Have you watched our other health hero videos yet ? If not click the pictures down the right hand side of the blog to watch more local heroes ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Hi. We watched all the videos and my favourite one was Craig Wilson we might have a go at it this afternoon. ๐Ÿ™‚

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