Literacy: MILD: Pete’s Emotions

 Time to look closer into our Featured Story ‘Tidy’

Take the time to read our featured story again, but this time pause each time when something new happens to Pete.

If we think back to our last featured story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’, each crayon wrote a letter expressing their personality and emotions. But in ‘Tidy’ we don’t really get a chance to hear from Pete and how we is feeling.

That means we need to look at the pictures and words more closely.

Pete goes through quite a variety of emotions and there are many examples in ‘Day the Crayons Quit’

An activity you can do is ‘Hot Seating’

The person who goes into the chair, becomes one of the characters in this instance it could be Pete or one of the animals watching Pete in the forest.

Whoever is not sitting in the hot seat can ask you questions relating to what has happened in the story.

Think of a variety of questions that start with the W5 (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

Another activity is ‘Thought Bubbles’

You can take the emotions you were discussing with family in hot seating and use them in creating a thought bubble.

With a bit of paper draw out a thought a bubble and write inside what Pete or one of the animals might be feeling. Remember to explain why, when we discuss the answer to why it is a good idea to use the word ‘because’.

I have given this activity an attempt taking a photo of me holding the thought bubble and showing the emotion to match.

Can you guess which part of the story my photos match to?

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I look forward to seeing how you get on, send in your photos of your thought bubbles or add them to your sway.

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