Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 2

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Dance

Miss Deans will be playing – High Rise

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

16 thoughts on “Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 2”

    1. Hello Shaun, it’s great to hear from you. Of course you can play with us. All of the information you need for playing with us can be found on this blog post. Miss Deans will be playing High Rise and I will be playing Dance.

    2. Yes we will see you at 12 Shaun on either of the games mentioned on Mr Reid blog post. Every 5 minutes from 12pm 🙂

      1. Hi Shaun
        Thank you for asking. I’m very well. Keeping busy online and loving reading all your blog comments and seeing all that you have been taking part in.
        I think I might need some tutoring on Sumdog, I don’t seem to be very good at it. Any tips?
        How is you baby brother doing, Shaun? Is he enjoying you being at home? Are you enjoying being at home?

        1. I don’t have any tips,He is fine i think he is enjoying me being at home and yes i am enjoying being at home i miss all my friends but i am coping with it 🙂

          1. Thats good to hear that you and your brother are enjoying being at home.
            Will just have to try harder on Sumdog, maybe lots of practice would help.
            I know what you mean about missing your friends, but glad you are coping.
            I am missing my friends, my daughter, family and all of you, but I know you are all working hard and can’t wait to see you all back at School.

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