98 thoughts on “Assembly 27th April 2020”

    1. Hi Hayden. Good morning. THanks for sharing your ideas to become unstuck.I’m glad you have thought of things to do when you feel like that. Great job πŸ™‚

  1. If i am upset or getting upset if would
    Talk to a responsible adult
    Go outside and sit on the grass and listen to music or
    Go on a walk but not that far because of my knee x

    1. Morning Emma- Great to hear from you. Those are all fabulous ways to become unstuck- well done you. Hope you are feeling better and will soon be up and about again. Enjoy the blog tasks this week πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Mrs Fraser I enjoyed watching the assembly. My three things I’m going to do are listen to music because it calms me done. Play football cause it burns off energy and stops boredom. Last but not least petting my dog Cara. I’m going to do one more which is punching our punching bag so I can take my anger and emotions out at something.

    1. Morning Greig, Thanks for watching the assembly today.It sounds like doing physical things really help you become unstuck.Thats great for you to understand about yourself. I agree there is nothing quite like sitting stroking & cuddling your dog is there to help you calm down or feel happy againπŸ’–. I hope you can think of ways to say Thanks to the key workers this week. I’m looking forward to see everyones ideas and actions πŸ™‚

    1. Morning, Spencer – lovely to hear from you. Those are all good activities which would help to cheer you up. Three things that help me if I’m feeling upset are:

      1. Cuddling my cat
      2. Getting outdoors and going for a long walk
      3. Doing a crossword puzzle or a sudoku – I really have to concentrate for those!

    2. HI Spencer- thanks for sharing. Those are all GREAT ways to become unstuck from a sad feeling. I hope you have a go at some of the things on the blog this week and try my challenge to say Thanks to key workers in the community πŸ‘

  3. Good Morning everyone.
    Thank you Mrs Fraser. I found your video so helpful.
    It helped me to think about what I can do when I feel a bit down and sad to make me feel better.
    The three things I can do to help me are…
    1. Cuddle up to our cat, Poppy.
    She is always so calm and this makes me feel calm too. She purrs when she gets attention. She loves it.
    2. Do a puzzle, like a crossword or word search.
    It takes my mind off how I am feeling.
    3. Go for a walk or spend some time quietly outside.
    It reminds me that nature is still carrying on the same as before. It hasn’t changed…Bees are getting pollen and making honey, the birds are nesting and raising chicks, the sun is still shining with clouds still rolling over the sky.
    Have a good week everyone.

    1. Morning Mrs Still, I’m glad you liked my assembly. Your 3 ways to get unstuck from a sad feeling are really lovely- I’m sure they will give others ideas too about ways to cope. Your reply made me feel really calm as I can imagine the scene you are describing- lovely thank you. πŸ™‚

    1. Buenos dias Fraser, it is lovely to hear from you. Those are great things to do to make you feel happier, I strongly believe that it is amazing to lift your spirit to cuddle or play with your dog πŸ™‚ and of course have a great film to watch sometimes. I hope you can find some ways to say thank you this week, I am already thinking of some.

    2. Hi Fraser- they are 3 great ways to become unstuck. What film would you choose ? Do you have a favourite ? Have a go at the grid tasks this week and let me know if you think of a way to say Thanks to the Key workers in your community πŸ™‚

    1. Buenos dias Erin, it is lovely to hear from you. I love the three things that cheer you up πŸ™‚ I have found myself listening to the birds more now maybe because they make me feel happier too and relaxed. Are you taking part of the challenge this week? I am definitely thinking of some ideas.

    2. Morning Erin- I totally agree with your 3 things. Nothing beats a good cuddle πŸ™‚ I wonder if you’ll be sharing with me how you say Thanks to the key workers in your community ? I’m looking forward to seeing your ideas.

  4. Hi Mrs Fraser,

    My 3 things to feel better are to have a cuddle with mummy, bouncing on the trampoline, and having a little sleep.

    1. Morning Evie- great to hear from you. I’m glad you’ve got things to do when you get stuck in a sad feeling. It’s normal to have sad feelings but we don’t want to get stuck in them for too long. I’m sure your ideas will help others. Are you going to have a go at my community challenge this week ? Let me know if you do πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Mrs Fraser, we enjoyed the assembly this morning.
    We haven’t really had any sad feelings yet,but I think its because we have each other to be with,but if we did feel sad we would chat to our mum,watch a funny video on YouTube,or go for a walk.

    1. HI Boys- yes it’s great you have each other to chat to and play with. I’m glad that’s helping you. I hope you have a go at some of the challenges this week on the grids and blog. Keep in touch with us πŸ™‚

  6. Hi Mrs Fraser,

    My 3 things are having some quiet time in my room, having a cuddle and chat with mummy, and doing some drawing.

    1. HI Finlay- how are you today ? Those all sound great ways to get unstuck froma sad feeling. Well done. Remember if you do my community challenge this week send me a picture so I can share them all. πŸ™‚

    1. Good Morning Alexander- GREAT to hear from you πŸ™‚ I’m glad you’ve got things to do when in a sad feeling. Remember my 5 a day as well- get exercise, talk, do something kind,have a giggle and look forward to something. Let us know how you say thanks to the key workers in your community.

    1. Morning Charlotte- those are 3 GREAT ways to get unstuck. Thanks for sharing them. Cuddles are just the best thing aren’t they ? I hope you are getting on well with the grids and tasks πŸ™‚

  7. Good Morning Mrs Fraser
    Thank you for the assembly.
    The 3 things I would do if feeling sad or worried are:
    Always talk to my Mum, unfortunately we can’t FT, but we have been keeping in contact by telephone and sending each other notes.
    Cuddling with my dogs, Tilly and Miller, they always make things right.
    Finally, I would take part in a Jazzercise class (online) or go for a run on the running machine.
    Loved the Birthday music. Thank you.

    1. Good Morning Mrs W, Those are 3 great ways to become unstuck. Thanks for sharing them. Glad you liked the jazzy happy birthday- Katherine will be pleased to hear that πŸ™‚

    1. Hello Leith- so great to hear from you. Thanks for sharing your 3 ways to get unstuck. They are super – a mixture of quiet things and exercise- perfect. Are you going to have a go at my community challenge this week ? Let me know if you do. Remember to tune into the blog for the teacher challenges that are going on- sumdog with Miss Deans and Mr Reid on Wednesday at 12 and whatever crazy thing Mr Reid & Mr Mutch come up with this week to do πŸ™‚ Keep in touch.

    2. Hello Leith! It is great to hear from you. I hope that you are well andenjoying Home Learning. Have you tried any of the activities on the Learning Grids?

  8. We really enjoyed the assembly and we love the idea of having an assembly every Monday like being at school.
    Our 3 things that makes us happy when we are feeling upset…
    1. Play with my pony
    2. Talk to my family
    3. Take my bunny in the house and cuddle her
    1. Ride my bike
    2. Cuddle with our dog, Poppy
    3. Play with my Lego

    1. Hello Jacob & Emily. I’m glad you are enjoying my assemblies. I like being able to talk to you all too- Its feels a bit more normal. Your ways of becoming unstuck are super- I’m sure you’ll give other children some good ideas for coping too. Are you going to do my community challenge this week ? Let me know how you get on πŸ™‚

  9. Good morning Mrs Fraser how are you,mine are probably play on my Xbox,go for a long walk,and play on my trampoline what are yours πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    1. Morning Shaun. They are great things to do- thanks for sharing. Thanks for asking about mine. I guess I’d go for a walk- or get outside in the garden, play table tennis (because I get so very competative when I play that I forget about everything else) and a cup of tea and a wee bit of chocolate usually works wonders for my mood πŸ™‚

    1. Hey Gabriella- lovely to hear from you. I’m not going to lie- the oranges comment took me by surprise a little- I love that that’s a helpful thing for you πŸ™‚ Yep cuddles from anyone or anything always helps. I hope you get on well with the grids this week and share anything you can. Have a great day🌈

    2. Hello, Gabriella – lovely to hear from you. I hope you had a good weekend and are all ready to do some more learning with us. I’d never have thought that eating oranges would cheer someone up, but they’re a lovely, bright colour and taste great, so why not? Also, you’re getting lots of vitamin C from them! πŸ™‚ Have you thought about ways in which you can thank some of the key workers this week? I already have rainbows and suns in my window, but will make a message for the key workers as well.

  10. Hi Mrs Fraser, I liked the assembly today.

    My three things to do when I’m feeling sad are,
    Having Cuddles
    Playing outside

    1. Morning Ava- thanks for sharing. Those sound like great coping methods. What are you baking ? I’m wanting to bake this week as I got some lovely fresh eggs.Have fun on the blog this week πŸ™‚

      1. I’ve baked muffins and scones, also done chocolate crispies and tray bakes.
        I baked a Victoria sponge on Sunday but I put food colouring in it so the bottom was blue and the top was pink. It was very tasty 🍰

  11. Morning Everyone,

    I like listening to the morning assembly as it helps make me feel more in touch with you all.

    My 3 things are

    1. Baking or cooking with my favourite play lists on. This involves stopping every now and then and doing little bits of boogieing and loud singing. Makes me feel happy and the dog thinks it’s fun.
    2. Reading. I love getting lost in a story.
    3. Going out for a walk along the river Don at the back of my house. Glen(my border collie) always comes with me, he loves going in for a swim.

    1. Morning Mrs Lusher- so lovely to hear from you. I have an image of your boogie baking- sounds fab fun πŸ™‚ Yea walks and stories are super for helping shift a mood. Hope you’re having a good day today Thanks

  12. Hello Mrs Fraser.
    I like drawing because it helps me get my mind to the project and it lets me think about things that I really like. It helps me to think when I am upset and it gets my mind to forget about why and how I am upset.
    Lego sets my mind to a challenge and I like to play lego and have challenges to set my mind on.
    I like riding down the stairs on my giant unicorn and it always makes me happy. My brother can fit on. When I am riding down the stairs it makes me feel like I am actually riding down to the ground from the sky.

    1. Wow Dee- A giant unicorn to ride downstairs with ? That has to help shift a sad feeling πŸ™‚ Your 3 things are so good and well thought out- thank you for sharing. I hope you’ll have a go at my community challenge this week and let me know what you did to say Thanks to the key workers in your community.

    1. Hello Mr Cameron T- thanks for sharing your ideas. I’m glad you have found ways to cope when feeling sad. It always helps to talk to someone and get some fresh air I think. Are you going to have a go at the grid tasks this week and show me how you said Thanks to community key workers ? Have fun πŸ™‚

    1. HI Thanks Henry for sharing. Those sound like really good ways to get unstuck from a sad feeling. I hope you’re getting on well with the grid tasks πŸ™‚

  13. Hello Mrs Fraser

    3 things I do to help me when I am sad is

    Talk to my friends on Zoom
    Getting a cuddle from my mum
    speak to people who care about me

    from Kate

    1. That’s lovely, Kate. Talking to friends always cheers me up too. It’s good to know that people care about us, isn’t it? Are you going to try Mrs Fraser’s community challenge this week? I’m going to put a message on my front door or in my window to let the postie know that I’m grateful for all he’s doing, and I’m also going to stick a note on my bin to cheer the binmen up. πŸ™‚

    2. HI Kate- that’s so good to hear from you. I really like your 3 things you’ve chosen to help you unstick. I hope you have a go at my community challenge this week and enjoy the teacher tasks on the grid πŸ™‚

  14. We clicked our fingers and did jazz hands to the happy birthday music. We wrote letters to our friends this weekend and we are posting them today. We play FaceTime bingo with a friend once a week – it is great fun.

    1. Hello girls, lovely to hear from you and find out what you’ve been up to at the weekend. That’s such a nice thing to do for your friends – I’m sure they will really appreciate it. Very few people take time to write proper letters nowadays because it’s so quick and easy to send an email or a message, but a real letter is something special. FaceTime bingo sounds like a lot of fun!

    2. HI Hannah & Lucy- I’m so glad you liked the jazzy happy birthday πŸ™‚ Thats so lovely that you wrote to your friends- what a kind thing to do and a great way to keep in touch. Bingo sounds brilliant fun 🌈

  15. Things I can do to make me feel happy is
    Going outside on my bike or rollerblades
    Getting a cuddle from Mummy
    Patting my dog Molly

    1. Those are very good suggestions for ways of cheering yourself up, Katherine. I love to get outside when I can – walking in the fresh air really helps if I’m feeling down. Are you going to try Mrs Fraser’s community challenge this week? Remember to let us know what you made!

    1. Talking to friends helps me too, Cameron. I don’t have a dog, but my cat certainly cheers me up – it’s very comforting just to cuddle her. I hope you have fun trying out some of the challenges and activities on the blog this week. πŸ™‚

    2. HI Cameron B- Lovely to hear from you.It sounds like other people really help you when you’re stuck in a feeling- that’s great. Have a go this week at some of the challenges and tasks from the grid- let us know how yuo get on πŸ™‚

  16. Hello Mrs Fraser
    What a lovely Assembly.
    My three things I do to help me when I’m feeling sad are:
    Go for a walk in the fresh air
    Speak to members of my family
    Stick some old photos in the scrapbooks I’m making, so i don’t forgot what we get up to over the years.

    1. Hi Mrs T, Great to hear from you. I LOVE looking at old photos too. That is always a lovely way to look back and think of happy memories. Glad you liked my assembly. Thanks πŸ™‚

  17. What a lovely assembly Mrs Fraser, I feel like I’m sitting with you all in the hall again. It was so lovely to hear some of the things children from different classes have been up to.

    Three things I do when I’m feeling sad are:
    1. Put on some music and dance!
    2. Go out for a walk and have pooh stick races with my family at the bridge near our house.
    3. Phone my mum

    I’m feeling lots of mixed feelings but it’s nice to know other people are too and we can help each other. 😊

    1. Hi Mrs Taylor- thank you. I can just imagine you having a wee boogie dance to cheer yourself up- that’s a great idea. We also play Pooh Sticks if we find a bridge when out a walk- and yes- a chat with mum or dad or a grown up is a real help. I agree it’s great to hear everyone saying how they cope. It helps with me have options. I’m off for a quick dance now πŸ™‚

  18. Ruairidh – Play football, listening to music, read a book.
    Eilidh- Cuddle mum, play with my dolls, snuggle my bunny

    1. Hi Ruairdh & Eilidh, Great to hear from you. I really like all your ways of becoming unstuck from a sad feeling- brilliant. Are you going to share with me this week how you say Thank you to your community key workers ? I’d love to see that. Have fun with all the tasks this week from the grid πŸ™‚

  19. Good morning,
    If I’m up set I would go and jump on my trampoline or get a hug from my mum and if that doesn’t help I do some arts and crafts

    1. Hi Ashley- that sound like a great plan. A bit of exercise,a hug and then something creative- that should really help get unstuck πŸ™‚ Well done you.

  20. Hello
    Mrs Fraser

    The three things that I do when I’m feeling sad are:

    1. Listen to music and dance
    2. Talk to my cousins on FaceTime
    3. Get huge hugs from my mummy

    I’m really missing school, and all my friends

    1. Hello Dylan. Lovely to hear from you. I think your three things are really good suggestions – dancing is a great way to cheer yourself up, and talking to friends and family is always fun. All the staff are missing everyone as well. It’s very strange to be stuck at home when we’re so used to being in school, but at least you can come on here and see what your friends have been up to. Have you tried out any of the other activities or challenges on the blog?

      1. Hi
        Ms Reed

        I have done a lot of the challenges, we can’t get to show them off as I dont know how to, my mummy is unsure how to post pictures, today I done Ms Maturanas challenge and I also started the division house, I’m very keen to try something new

        1. That’s great, Dylan. It’s really good to hear that you’ve done so many of the challenges. If Mummy want to show your work to your teacher, she can send them as an attachment in an email – that would probably be the easiest thing to do. I’m sure Miss Maturana will be pleased that you did her challenge too!

    2. Hello Dylan, it is so nice to hear from you. These are such great things to do to lift up your mood, let me tell you that I do number 1 a lot at home and it helps me a lot. I hope you are having fun with the activities on the blog. πŸ™‚

      1. Hola

        Mrs Maturana

        Como estas?

        I’f you look in your email, I have sent you a picture of the challenge you set


        Nos vemos pronto

        1. Estoy muy bien, gracias Dylan! I am looking forward to see your picture! I am afraid I haven’t received yet, could you check again por favor. πŸ™‚
          Nos vemos pronto

          1. Yes, you are completely right! For some reason I haven’t received yet, maybe my computer is a bit slow today. Gracias for trying. πŸ™‚

    3. HI Dylan- Those are 3 great ways to get unstuck froma sad feeling. We are all missing everyone too but it’s great to be able to talk on here. Thanks for your picture- I’ve got itπŸ‘πŸ˜

  21. My flower of power 3 things are, cooking and art, talk to mummy and daddy and go for a nature walk. Yesterday a butterfly landed on my little sister and it made me so happy.

    I am going to make a poster for my post lady!

    1. Hello Charlotte, the three things you mentioned are amazing. Same as you, I have enjoyed cooking more at home and you are so lucky to be able to go for a walk in the nature. I can imagine all of you laughing. I would recommend to check the Spanish activity for this week and add something different to your poster. Have fun! πŸ™‚

    2. HI Charlotte- I love your flower of power ideas. They will really help you. Have you made a flower of power to help you remember them ? How lovely you saw a butterfly up so close.πŸ‘€

  22. I do these 3 things if I feel sad: asking mama for a cuddle, drawing makes me feel happy, and watching a film with Matthew.

    1. Those three things are lovely, Evelyn. Cuddles are always good – I cuddle my cat if I’m ever feeling upset. 🐈

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