44 thoughts on “A book of Methlick rainbows”

        1. I’ve seen lots of painted rocks and messages around Ellon too, Megan. Some people are also making fairy doors and placing them on trees. It certainly brightens up my day when I see them.

        2. That is a great idea Megan. I think my entire street is missing some rainbows, I think my window is the only one with one!

  1. Everyone’s Rainbows are fantastic. It has made me smile this morning. I had great fun making one. Well done everyone.

    1. So lovely to hear from you Jacob. Isn’t it great, rainbows are helping everyone just now. Thank you for sending a comment.

    2. We loved seeing the rainbow you painted before Easter, Jacob. I’m sure it’s making people smile as they pass by!

  2. Hey, my little pony in there with his rainbow rug on! Thats a very good idea! Everyones rainbows look amazing!! Welldone

  3. What a fab job everyone.
    I love that you all have so many different ideas.
    My rainbow sits at my living room window.
    I have also been colouring in, a lot.
    Today I got the new Johanna Basford (Flourish) colouring book. I’m looking forward to starting it later.
    If anyone would like the free book, I can post a link.

    1. Hello Shaun, it is great to hear from you! That is such a lovely idea for your rainbow. Recognising the work that others are doing to help us during this time is so important. I hope that you and your family had a lovely Easter break.

      1. They did ,i don’t really like being stuck doing nothing but i get more time to play with my friends on my xbox so it is a win win

        1. Doing nothing Shaun ? With all these blog tasks ?? LOL. πŸ˜‚ I know what you mean- it’s a strange time but glad you’re connecting with your friends πŸ™‚

  4. Loving rainbow sway.
    Very excited to see rainbow doors on Haddo walk way, we cycled there the other day and counted them,they are so cute the mini doors.

    1. How many did you see Annabelle? I’m sure they are making Haddo even more bright and beautiful. Did you get out on the bike much this week?

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