113 thoughts on “Term 4- Welcome back assembly”

  1. Hi Mrs Fraser. I really like your rainbow and I hope you have had a wonderful time off in the Easter Holidays I certainly have. I’ve going to be getting a lot of exercise this week because I have to take my dog for a 2 mile walk each day and probably painting and playing football with my dad or my brother. :):):)

    1. Good Morning Greig- thank you for your comments. It sounds like you’ve had a great break- I did too. I did lots of wall painting and sorting our cupboards.We’ve decided to try to make a vegetable patch in our garden – so my husband has done lots of digging. I’m excited to see if anything will grow. Have a go at this weeks tasks and share your work if you can please. πŸ™‚

      1. Good morning Mrs Fraser. My three words to describe how I have felt are confused πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ because we don’t no when we will get back to school. Tired πŸ’€ even tho we can sleep in which I do I’m still tired. My last word is sad ☹️ because I really enjoyed school before quarantine and because I really miss the staff and my friends. Hope you have a great dayπŸ‘ŒπŸ».

        1. Hola Greig, it is so nice to hear from you. I understand how you are feeling just now, I think we are all feeling very similar but for sure things will go back to normal when you less expect it πŸ™‚ I would recommend Mr Reid and Mr Mutch challenge so you feel more active, might try it too!

        2. Hi Greig, you summed it up very well with your three feelings. It’s a confusing time for all of us – we don’t have our usual routines, our sleep patterns are different, and we don’t have the social contact that we would normally have. I’m glad that you enjoy school so much – that’s a lovely thing to say, and will mean a lot to the staff. Remember we are all missing you as well. πŸ™‚

  2. L says he is happy, lazy and excited about this week
    He loved your messages and is ready for this weeks challenges

    1. HI Good Morning- that is GREAT to hear- the lazy bit is funny- I hope he finds some energy πŸ™‚ I’m glad he likes my messages- thanks for sharing and good luck with this weeks tasks.

    1. Good morning Ms Fraser I really enjoyed the assembly that you made I painted rainbows onto rocks and put all around Methlick ☺

      1. Good Morning Megan- thank you for writing. That is such a lovely thing to do- I’m sure they will cheer up lots of people around Methlick when they see them. #kind <3
        I was going to have a go at some stone decorating too- you've inspired me to get it done.
        Have a go at the grids this week- there's loads to do and try to share your work- we'd love to see it. Thanks

      2. Kate and Anna have also painted rocks they put them all out on the Haddo Walk, they have had lots of fun putting some out every day on their daily walk.

    2. Morning Charlie- I’m excited about everyone starting the tasks too. I think maths is a GREAT place to start. I love maths πŸ™‚
      Let us know how you get on. Have fun !

  3. Hi, I liked listening to the song at assembly.
    My 3 words that I feel are Strange, a bit worried and supported. I have had longer lie ins as have not had to get the bus, I’ve done more gardening and playing with Rowan. It’s different learning from home as there is less work, more outdoor time in garden and I’m less nervous than at school. I miss my friends a lot though.

    1. Good Morning Erin, I’m glad you like the assembly- thank you. I totally understand your 3 words. I think we are all feeling a bit strange and worried at times but I’m so glad you feel supported. The longer lies are great aren’t they ?The gardening and playing sounds fun and that’s also a great way to learn too- so don’t think you’re not doing enough. With the grids- why don’t you give some of the other challenges a go once you’ve done yours and go to the staff challenges section for some fun ideas. I miss seeing everyone too and I’m glad you’re building up your confidence ready for when we all get back together again. Share any work you complete- we’d all love to see it πŸ™‚

    2. Good morning Erin, it is so nice to hear from you. I am so happy you had a nice holidays and you are using your time to be outdoors.

    3. Morning Erin, Welcome back to school! – I agree with you on your three words, as it is strange and worrying but it does feel better that I have people to support me. It is great to hear you are outside more and I think many of us miss talking to many different people.

  4. Hi,
    I enjoyed singing along to the song. The three words I thought about for the 1st question were sad because I miss my friends, safe and a bit more relaxed. For the second question my answers are longer lies in bed, more PS4 and playing with my dog more. For the third question my answers are I am going outside a lot more, I get less work and I am less nervous than at school.

  5. Good morning Mrs Fraser
    mum had made a rainbow for the kitchen window, it looks fab, i am going to draw one today for my bedroom window. My three words are- Noisy,Sunny, and Productive.
    I hope you are having a good day πŸ™‚

    1. Good Morning Jessica- Its great to hear from you. Your rainbow will be gorgeous I’m sure. I like your 3 words. Noisy made me laugh πŸ™‚ It’s been so lovely and sunny and I’m LOVING the word productive- brilliant choice. Good luck with the grid tasks and staff challenges this week. Share your work and let us see how you’re getting on.

    2. Good morning Jessica, it is so nice to hear from you. I did a rainbow for my window too! it is so nice to see them when you are walking outside.

  6. Hi, I enjoyed singing along to the song. My 3 words for the first question were Sad, because I miss my friends Safe and Relaxed. I have played more on the PS4 because I get to do that when I’ve finished my work, I’ve played more with Rowan, my dog and get to sleep in longer. I’ve been spending more time outside in the garden and going for our daily walk.

    1. HI Fraser, Thanks for sharing. I can empathise with your 3 words- they are really understandable. It’s great to get outside and there’s so much to do and see on a walk so I’m glad you’re doing that. Hopefully your friends will be on the blog and you can see how they are getting on . Share your work and keep in touch with us here πŸ™‚

    2. Good morning, Fraser. It is great to hear from you and thanks for answering Mrs Fraser’s questions from the assembly. Have you had a chance to look at the new activities yet? I am looking forward to seeing your home learning this week.

  7. Hi Mrs Fraser,
    Hope you had a good easter holidays. We have had a fun time at home, I have had great fun in the garden and even camped out for 2 nights.
    3 words describing how I felt – sad, confused
    3 things I have done or not done – not wearing my uniform, not getting to scouts and chanter, not getting to see my friends
    3 thing I have noticed about home learning – it’s alot more difficult as we are all trying to use the internet and the same devices, my morning routine has changed, can’t have fun in the playground with my friends.

    1. Hi Cameron- It’s great to hear from you. I had a lovely Easter holiday thank you. We didn’t camp out but we did have a fire pit night one night and made smores and watched the stars- it was fab fun.Thanks for sharing your words- they sound like you’ve been adjusting to all the changes we’ve had. I know what you mean about the internet- it’s the same in our house too. I keep having to refresh my computer. Hopefully you can have fun here on the blog with your frinds and teachers until we all get togther again. Let us know how you get on with the tasks this week πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ

  8. Hi Mrs Fraser. My three words are sad, worried and loved. I miss being at school and being with my friends. I am playing outdoors more and playing with my sisters and helping them with new things.
    I have had days when I have been upset. I love being with my family.

    1. Hi Crystal- you sound like you’ve been feeling a lot like I’ve been feeling. I’ve had wobbly days too where I’ve been upset but then I’ve had really happy days too. It’s a great time to be with family and enjoy things together so that’s what to focus on. Hopefully the blog will help you connect with your friends and hear what they’ve been doing. From reading all the comments, I think everyone is feeling pretty similar aren’t they ? Let us know how you get on with the tasks this week πŸ™‚

  9. Hi Mrs Fraser. My three words are confused, sad and loved. I have been laying around in my pjs as I have not had to get dressed straight away. I have been learning dances with my sister. We have been going on our quad bike and having fun as a family.

    1. HI Alexa- wow what great words- I can see theres a real mixture of emotions- which is totally normal- but I’m so glad loved is one of your words. Sounds like you are really having a lovely family time with your sisters. My 3 daughters have also been having a laugh together which is great fun to watch.I hope you enjoy tackling our grid tasks this week. Thanks for commenting- it’s fab to hear from you πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Taylor- thank you- I love a rainbow πŸ™‚
      I’m really lokoing forward to reading your answers when I see your journal. Thanks for thinking about the questions and joining in. Have fun with the challenges this week and check out the staff staff challenge page too. Let us know how you get on .

  10. Since school has shut we are feeling sad because we are missing the teachers and our friends.We are feeling a bit confused because of covid-19.I am distracted because of Harry. Things we have done or not done, we have been doing music , playing tennis, cycling and football.I have not been going to martial art class.I have been baking a lot more.Things that I have noticed about home learning . A lot more fun. Lots and lots more reading to do. it feels different as not sitting by my friends.

    1. Hello, Emily and Harry! I can quite understand why you are feeling the way you are – I have been missing everyone as well. It’s lovely to hear that you have been doing all those activities. I have been going for long walks, doing crosswords, reading and baking as well. Last week I made baguettes for the first time and they turned out better than I’d expected!

    2. Hello Emily & Harry- great to hear from you and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I can totally understand all your feeling words. Distracted is a good choice as I get distracted by my family being here too- though it is nice to see them throughout the day when I wouldn’t normally.It sounds like you are doing loads of outside activities- well done. I’m sure your baking is yummy. I’m going to try to learn to bake some things I’ve never baked before like Choux pastry- wish me luck! Have a go at our grid tasks and share what you’ve done. πŸ™‚

  11. good morning Mrs Fraser
    3 things i have felt is sad, upset and bored
    things we have done different is more bike rides, we dont go to any shops anymore and schoolwork is different
    things ive noticed from being at home is
    more laptop time, dont watch much tv and im working in the same room as Charlotte

    1. Hello, Alexander. It is great to hear from you. Thank you for answering Mrs Fraser’s questions from this morning’s assembly. Have you had a chance to look at the new grid activities? I look forward to seeing what you will get up to! I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling sad, things are very different for all of us at the moment. I think we are all looking forward to seeing each other again!

    2. Good Morning Alexander, Those 3 words are very honest of you. I hope there are other words that describe things you’re enjoying too.The bike rides sound great fun-well done you for getting out and exercising and exploring. School work is different – but different isn’t always bad. There’s lots of creative things you can be doing just now too. I can’t wait to hear how yuo get on with our tasks this week πŸ™‚

    3. Hello Alexander, it is great to hear from you. I hope you’ve had nice holidays, I wish I could have a bike to go for rides too.

  12. ive felt upset and sad
    ive done more painting, playing outside but ive not seen my friends
    things that are different is im doing different work, working in the kitchen and im not wearing my uniform

    1. HI Charlotte. Lovely to hear from you. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been sad and upset- is there a 3rd word that might descibe something good that you’ve been feeling ? The painting and playing outside sounds fun and it must be good workign in the kitchen and having yur family around to help you. Have a go at the grid activities and let us know how you are getting on πŸ™‚

    2. Hello Charlotte, it is so nice to hear from you. I have spent more time in the kitchen too which I like, also being in the garden lots. I hope being on the blog can cheer you up a little bit.

  13. Hi Mrs Fraser, I miss you. I have answered your questions in my journal and I drew a rainbow (mummy will put on sway). I liked the assembly. I hope you’re not sad because you’re not seeing all of us. I wish I was at school.

    1. HI Charlotte- I’m trying not to be too sad because I can chat to you all on here and I can hear your voices on the recording we made at assembly. I’m really making a big effort to enjoy being at home and thinking of the positive things about that rather than getting too sad about things. I’m looking forward to when we are all together again and we can see all the things in your journals.

  14. Hi Mrs Fraser,

    My three words are still, hard and different. Three things that have been not normally done are going for more bike rides and runs, doing more drawing and being more alone. The things that i have noticed from lockdown is that a lot of people are more tired, grumpy and a bit less fun.

    1. Good morning, Finlay, it’s lovely to hear from you. I think we have all been feeling very ‘different’ because our daily routines have changed completely. Hopefully it won’t be too long until we’re all back together again with our friends. What sort of things have you been drawing? I look forward to seeing them!

    2. Hello Finlay, it is so nice to hear from you. I understand it can be hard at some points and I am glad to hear you have done lots of outdoor activities, that is a great way to keep healthy and happy. There are a few new challenges on the blog that I am sure will keep you busy and having fun πŸ™‚

    3. Hey Finlay- lovely to hear from you. Your 3 words are very good as they help me understand how you are feeling with all this. I think people are maybe more tired and grumpy and may not be doing so many fun things because we are just getting used to it all. Hopefully this week you’ll manage to get involved in some of the tasks and share the staff challenges- that may be a fun family task. Let us know how you get on πŸ™‚

  15. We really enjoyed your assembly and we miss being at school very much! Hope we can come back to school soon and here are our answers to your questions…
    *After the school had been shut it felt really boring and we are really feeling like the time is running slower than usually.
    *We have been doing more walking than usual and staying inside less.
    *Home learning is really a learning curve for everyone and the teachers too. we are getting through the days though.
    We have 2 painted rainbows in our windows and many people are hopefully doing the same, we are clapping for the NHS to.

    1. Morning, Emily and Jacob. I know exactly what you mean about time running slower than usual – the days seem very long without our usual school routine. However, it’s good to know that you’ve been getting out for plenty of walks. I’ve been doing the same because the weather has been so good. It does take some time to get used to home learning and you’re absolutely correct – it’s a big learning curve for us all. I have rainbows in two of my windows, and four sunny faces as well. I thought it would cheer people up as they walk past my house. πŸ™‚

    2. Hi Emily & Jacob- I’m glad you enjoyed my assembly. It felt really weird to be recording it infront of my TV. Learning curve is a fabulous way to describe our learning world right now- but I think we are all slowly getting used to it a little more. I’m delighted to hear you’ve been out and active and I’m sure your rainbows are stunning and will cheer folk up as they pass. Yes my family have been out every week clapping for the NHS and all the key workers too- It’s been lovely to see and hear all the neighbours joining together. I hope you enjoy the grids this week and manage to share some of your work with your teachers. Thanks for commenting πŸ™‚

  16. Good morning everyone
    I have had a lovely break, lots of fun. but miss school and all my friends.
    Now back to learning
    I have been doing maths this morning and watched News Round

    1. Good morning, Leanne. It is great to hear from you! I am very pleased to hear that you had a lovely break. I am also missing school and seeing everyone’s happy faces at the start of a new Term. Good luck with the new activities on Grid 2.

    2. Good Morning Leanne- you sound very cheery and ready for term 4:)
      It’s great to hear you’ve had a good break and are back to being busy. Let us know how you are getting on with the tasks.

  17. I am excited to camp for the scout world record on the 30th of April. We have to camp in our gardens. The Assembly was really good.

    1. Thats great to hear the Scouts are still interacting together Jamie, I hope its good weather that night for you πŸ™‚

  18. I am excited to camp for the Scouts attempt to do a Virtual Camp on April 30th that is to try an break the World record for the most campers (at home but all at the same time). The assembly was really good.

    1. HI Jamie- that sounds cool. Can you camp inside or does it have to be outside ? Glad you liked the assembly- that’s nice of you to say.Let us know how the camp goes.πŸ€žπŸ‘

  19. I really enjoyed your assembly and it was nice to see you.
    I am feeling sad as I miss school and my friends, happy that we are back to doing school work and also tired as I have been having long lies in the holidays 😊
    I painted a rainbow for our window that I will send you.

    1. Hello Ava- lovely to hear from you. Yes it was a bit tricky getting up a bit earlier today wasn’t it ? I’m glad that you’re happy to be back at our online school. I hope you’ll see your friends’ comments on here and get to link withthat that way. I’m looking forward to seeing your rainbow 🌈

  20. i am looking forward to getting my knee back normal, as i was running in my garden and fell then realised my knee was split open and has 7 proper stitches in it. I also have to keep all weight off it and keep my knee straight so cant move off sofa today but i will try to do some work x

    1. Oh No Emma ! So sorry to hear this you must have got such a fright glad your resting and taking it easy. Take care

    2. Oh My Goodness Emma- what a shame. Poor you. I hope you’re doing ok. You’ll have to have everyone running around after you now for a while πŸ™‚
      Take it easy and let your knee heal properly.

      1. thank you very much and my mum is doing loads of stuff for me. i am lying on the sofa just now but still doing work x

        1. Well done you Emma. Have a look at the Eco groups Earth day post – there’s maybe things you can do there ? I wouldn’t try the long jump challenge just yet πŸ™‚

        2. Emma, I read what happened to your leg, please take care of yourself and follow strictly the rules you were given. I am sure you will get better soon!

  21. What a lovely assembly. We are missing our friends and teachers at School, but having fun at home. We are going to do the questions in our journals and send it to our teacher.

    1. Hello, Hannah and Lucy. Lovely to hear from you – I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday with your family and are all set for some more online learning. I’m certainly missing everyone as well, and can’t wait until we’re all back in school again. It’ll be something to look forward to. I’ll keep an eye out for your answers to Mrs Fraser’s questions. πŸ™‚

    2. Hello girls- great to hear from you. Thank you for liking my assembly. I bet your journals are looking fabuous- I’m looking forward to seeing them.Have fun on the blog this week and let us know how you get on with the tasks πŸ‘

    3. Hello girls, lovely to hear from you. I am missing everybody too and I am glad you are enjoying your time at home, we might not have this opportunity again. Hope the new activities keep you busy and having fun.

  22. Morning Methlick School!
    We had a great holiday. We have pitched our tents in the garden and set up camp (not been brave enough to sleep out yet). We were gifted a bouncy from our friends so have had loads of fun on that. We have been going out on family cycles and have loved spotting lots of lovely rocks and signs that our friends have made! We like to go up and explore in the woods at the back of our house.

    Our answers:
    (1) Sad, Happy, New normal
    (2) Mum being teacher, Joe Wicks PE, PJ days
    (3) Miss our friends & teachers, Lots of snacks, little brother is about

    1. Hello Ruaridh and Eilidh- Well you sound like you’ve had a great Easter holiday. I love that you’re exploring. Have you found anything unusual or exciting ? Thats lovely you’ve spotted some stones and rocks around Methlick.I like your answers- they paint me a picture of how you’re feeling and coping and it sounds like you’re doing prety good. All those feelings are totally normal. Sadly I’m also having lots of snacks- I must stop nibbling on my daughters’ Easter eggs πŸ˜‚. I hope you both enjoy the grids and challenges this week- let us know how you get on.

    2. Lovely to hear from you Ruairidh & Eilidh. Your holidays sound amazing, I love that you have the opportunity to go for walks into the woods and that you have tents outside (I used to do the same with my brother). I am missing going to Methlick and being surrounded by nature, here in Aberdeen is not the same. Hope you enjoy the new activities on the blog. πŸ™‚

  23. Hello. I have enjoyed rounders with my family, my Dad tripped over me by mistake! Watching Harry potter with my brother, cub camp and smoores (at home!) . I’ve enjoyed cooking and eating it too. Ruth

    1. Hello Ruth, it’s lovely to hear from you. It sounds as though you have been having lots of fun with your family and spending time outdoors. The weather has been so nice recently. I’ve been going for long walks in the sunshine, playing with the cat, reading books, doing crosswords and cooking. I hope you took photos of the things you’ve been cooking – I’d love to see them. Have you had a look at the new Learning Grids yet? There are lots of new activities for you to do and I’ve set a new Literacy challenge which I hope you’ll try. πŸ™‚

    2. Hello Ruth, it is so nice to hear from you. That sounds amazing (except your dad tripping over, that must have been painful!), seems like you are having so much fun! I love Harry Potter and I have tried to cook more too, so fun.

    3. HI Ruth- You are a smores and Harry potter fan too -snap ! Hope you’ve enjoyed all your holiday activities. I look forward to seeing what you’re up to on the blog and how you get on with the activities. Thanks for getting in touch. πŸ™‚

  24. Katherine said she has felt loved, sad that she misses her teachers and friends & things have felt different. Cameron has felt bored, sad to not see his pals and a bit confused about what will happen about his transition to the academy.
    We have played a lot outside, walked to dog lots, indoor camped, FaceTimed our family & Katherine learned to ride her bike without stabilisers! We have stayed up a bit later to see the star link satellites and lurid meteor shower.
    We have enjoyed learning at home in our pyjamas and sitting on mummy’s bed, we have found we have been drawing a lot more. We miss our teachers and are sending them all a high five!

    1. HI Cameron and Katherine. A big high five πŸ–back to you too. Thanks for sharing your words.It sounds like you’re having a great time- I love that you’ve been doing different things and enjoying them. Well done to Katherine on no stabilisers- thats a great achievement.🚲. We all miss everyone too- but here is where we can meet up and see and read about what each others are doing. The academy and the P7 teachers are working on transition tasks so we will let you know about them when they are ready.Have a great time trying the challenges this week and enjoy this gorgeous weather while we have it.

    2. Hello Cameron and Katherine, it is so nice to hear from you. I believe we are all sad that we can see you all but it will be temporarily for sure. Seems like you had amazing holidays after all, going outside lots, having family time, indoor camped sounds amazing! Well done to Katherine, I still remember the day I rode without stabilisers (feels amazing!). I hope you enjoy the new activities and hi five back to you both!

  25. Hi to all the teachers …. my 3 words are sad …. because am missing all my friends . Annoyed … because after all this I could go straight to academy. Weird….. because I just want things to go back to how things were before this virus

    1. Aw, Liam. I think we’re all feeling much the same. I’m missing all the pupils and staff a lot, but let’s keep our fingers crossed that we get back to school before the end of term so that we can all be together again. Like you, I’m very much looking forward to things being back to normal. It’s an unsettling time for everyone, but hopefully you’ll enjoy chatting on here and trying out some of the activities and challenges. πŸ™‚

    2. HI Liam-Thanks for getting in touch. I can hear you are very frustrated with all this but please don’t despair. You can link with your friends here on the blog- which is great. We don’t know when we will be back at school but remember the letter Mr Paul Rooke our Meldrum QIO ( my boss) wrote to you all before we stopped being at school ? He said that he would get something sorted for the P7s to celebrate finishing primary school once everything was back to normal- so that’s something to look forward to. I agree with you that it’s weird- things will return to normal at some point- we all just have to be patient which is hard. Hopefully working on the blog tasks will be a happy focus for you. Let us know how you get on πŸ™‚

  26. Hi,
    I have felt sad – because I can’t see or play with my friends and only have my brothers to play with; happy – because I have my lambs to play with and get to spend more time with my family and weird – because I wear my PJs a lot more!

    1. Hi Gabriella, lovely to hear from you. I hope you and your family enjoyed the Easter holidays. I feel much the same as you, sad that I can’t be with my ?friends, but you must be having fun with the new lambs! When I was at primary school, two of my friends lived on farms and I used to get to play with the lambs too. I must admit I’ve also been staying in my PJs a lot more than usual and I’d agree – it’s a weird feeling not getting dressed ready for school. Have you had a look at the new grids yet? I hope you’ll try my new Literacy challenge too. πŸ™‚

    2. HI Gabriella, Lovely to hear from you. Yep- happy sad and weird just about covers all our emotions just now I think. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are getting to grips with our new grids. It would be great to hear how you get on πŸ™‚

  27. Good Afternoon
    I’ve just finished working online an thought I would say β€œHello” to everyone using the blog.
    Things are certainly different at the Webster’s. Both Niall and I have been working from home for 5weeks now and are getting into a routine. Our poor dogs are not sure what to make of it, but seem to be enjoying getting out into the garden all the time. We are missing Zoe so much, as she is in Aberdeen. At the moment Zoe is very busy finishing her final year of University. We are lucky in that we have FaceTime and Zoom, so β€˜see’ each other a few times during the day.
    Mrs Fraser I really enjoyed the assembly. We have a rainbow 🌈 in our living room window, along with 2 teddies, to keep everyone amused.
    My 3 words would be
    Take care everyone. Mrs Webster x

    1. Aww Mrs Webster- so good to hear from you. I know we are all missing you too. GLad you liked the assembly and that everyone is well with you. πŸŒˆπŸ’–

  28. Hello Everyone, hope you all had a great Easter Holiday.
    What a lovely assembly that was Mrs Fraser. We have had a very busy few weeks in the Taylor house. We have had lots of fun the garden, planted some potatoes, peas and some giant sunflowers. Which we are going to have a wee competition with to see who’s is going to grow the tallest.
    We have been on lots of walks, and busy baking some scones, bread and cupcakes. I have a new recipe for Banana Loaf that the boys are looking forward to trying.
    Look forward to seeing everyone’s comments.
    Mrs Taylor (office)

    1. That sounds great fun, Mrs Taylor. I wonder whose sunflower will win? I’ve also been out walking (in fact, I’m just about to go for another one!) and have been baking too, even though I don’t enjoy it much. I’m very envious of you growing garden peas. When I had a larger garden I used to grow them too and loved eating them raw, straight from the pod.

    2. Hello Mrs Taylor- lovely to hear from you. That banana bread sounds like something the staffroom will need to sample sometime in the future πŸ˜‚ Glad you are all doing well and we look forward to hearing the competition winner for the tallest sunflower !!

  29. Good evening Mrs Fraser, how are things? I’m okay 😍. I have been working with the animalsπŸ‘πŸ„. I am learning how to use my bike 🚲 without stabilisersπŸ₯°. Au revoir πŸ‘‹

    1. Bonjour Erin, Glad to hear you’re doing well. It sounds like you’re being kept really busy with your animals- that’s great. Well done on learning to ride your bike without stabilisers- I even remember learning that when I when your age- so tricky but you’ll get it in the end.Keep checking in on the blog today- there’s some new posts coming today that you will love. πŸ™‚

  30. Good morning Mrs Fraser I really liked the assembly. These are my answers.
    After school shut:
    At first it made me feel happy, then began to miss my friends and now I really want to go back at school .
    Everything felt more difficult- as in teaching was in a different way.
    And everything is slower.

    Things I’ve done since…:
    I cycle often as I have a new bike.
    Planted more seeds in garden than I usually do.
    Walk my two dogs more often

    Things I’ve noticed:
    No school clothes – and wearing tshirts
    Using a computer to do all my work
    Seen lots of people out walking on my drive.

    1. Good Morning Annabelle- so good to hear from you. I’m glad you liked the assembly. I’d agree with all your words and observations- it’s all very strange isn’t it. What have you planted in your garden? I’m trying to make a vgetable patch so we’ve done lots of digging in the holidays getting that ready.
      It’s good that you can hear how your friends are here on the blog so I hope that helps. Keep checking in every day as teachers are putting up new challenges and clips every day. Comment and let us know how you are getting on πŸ™‚

  31. Hello Everyone! Mrs Still here….

    It has been so lovely to read all your comments. It helps us to realise that we are still connected even if we can’t see each other. I have missed you all and looking forward to the time when we will be all together again.

    I have had a nice holiday and am enjoying this sunny weather. I’ve been outside a lot more too and exploring new places on my bike.

    My three words that sum up how I have felt since the school shut are:

    I don’t understand this one! I have had more sleep but feel it is hard to get-up-and-go.
    I find I have new appreciation for the simple things in life, like toilet roll, family times, laughter, books, baking.
    I find that I am more peaceful because life is slower and I have time to see things I never noticed before because I was always busy and rushing… like the birds, the clouds, sounds. Being outside more has helped me.

    Life is different for me at the moment because we are all here together at home all the time. This is great sometimes and annoying at other times! We have to work at getting along and being kind.

    Take care everyone!

    1. Hello, Mrs Still, it’s lovely to hear from you.

      I’d agree about feeling tired, in spite of having lots more sleep than usual, and I can’t understand it either! The highlight of my day is going out for a walk. I’ve noticed so many different species of birds that I normally wouldn’t see or hear because it’s so much quieter. People around Ellon have been hanging little rainbows from trees and placing decorated stones around the wood and golf course for others to find. It brightens up my day to see them.

      Hope you and the family are all well.

    2. HI Mrs Still. Thanks so much for sharing. Great words and I agree with all your thoughts. Its so lovely we can share on here and realise we all feel similar isn’t it ? Thank you πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Sam – thank you for commenting- it’s great to speak to you. I’m really pleased my assembly helped you feel calmer. I’ll be doing an assembly every week so make sure you keep checking in. I hope you get on well with the tasks this weekπŸŒˆπŸ‘

  32. Reuben’s 3 words – Fun, Football and Puppy time!
    Levi’s 3 words – Games, Bikes and Forts!
    Thank you for the assembly πŸ™‚

    1. HI Boys- great to hear from you. Your words sound full of adventure- I love them ! Puppy time sounds adorable- what type of puppy have you got ?Let us know how you get on with the tasks this week.πŸŒˆπŸ‘πŸ‘

    2. Hello Reuben and Levi, it is lovely to hear from you. Your words bring me so much joy πŸ™‚ I am so glad you are having a nice time at home.

    3. Hi Levi and Reuben – lovely to hear from you! How are you both getting on? Have you tried any of the activities on the Learning Grids yet, or maybe one of the teachers’ challenges? Drop in and say hello to let us know what you’ve been up to. πŸ™‚

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