Numeracy: Mild: Shape Walk

Following the task on the grid.  I decided to go on a shape walk around my home to find a variety of shapes. Follow my sway to see how I got on. I might need some help with organising them into the correct group.

Comment below with any feedback.

Enjoy Mr.Mutch

15 thoughts on “Numeracy: Mild: Shape Walk”

  1. We watched the video but noticed you got some wrong. You put a cube in the other box and a cylinder in the cuboid bit. Well done though 😃

  2. Great video, but you got three wrong.
    Cuboid in cube box
    Cube in other box
    Cylinder in cube box

    We have been making cubes and cuboids.

    1. Thank you for telling me Charlotte I will have to go back and try again. I loved your video it was great to hear from you, I’ve left a few messages for you.

    1. Hi Joe, glad you enjoyed the shape walk, I would agree with you there that is was quite a challenge to find some cubes around the house.

    1. Hi Georgie, that is great to hear. I also had difficulty finding cubes on my walk around the house, I found lots of cuboids, I wonder why that is?

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