8 thoughts on “End of week 1- by Mrs Fraser.”

  1. We all joined in with the song as a celebration for surviving our first week at home! Ruairidh and Eilidh have filled out their journals everyday so they can showcase all their hard work once they return to school. Eilidh has really enjoyed seeing what her friends have been up to on “P1 Learning Together” blog.
    Enjoy your weekend break Methlick teachers!

    Thank you!

    1. HI. So glad you enjoyed the song. Great you are getting involved – lots more to do next week. Have a great weekend. Thanks again Mrs Fraser

  2. alexander and charlotte have had a busy week.

    they have enjoyed different activities on here and we have been learning other things too. we have spent time outside and done alot of outside learning.

    alexander and charlotte enjoy on here and the sway with the interaction from their teachers.

    we are looking forward to week 2

    have a lovely weekend 🙂

    1. Thank you for your feedback and for keeping us up to date with everything you are doing at home. We hope that you had a lovely weekend.

    2. Hello- Great to hear that. We are all thrilled so see comments and ‘speak ‘ to everyone on the blog. It’s a eautiful day today so the outside learning grid will be really useful. Have fun and try some of the new challenges.

    1. Great to hear from you, Annabelle. I hope that you had a lovely week with your family! What is on your timetable for today?

    2. Hello Annabelle. Lovely to hear from you. I’m missing everyone too but this is a great way to keep in touch. Have you tried some of the new challenges today ? Look on my Challenge post , Mr Reid’s challenge and also the outdoor learning grid- that’s new and has lots of great ideas on it. Have fun and let us know how you get on. 🙂

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