Health and Wellbeing : Grid 1. Hot Challenge. Mrs Fraser has a go !

I liked the look of the mindfulness colouring challenge so I decided to be brave and have a go.

I’ve never done a sway before but it was really easy to do. I played around with it and I had fun choosing my font and background.

Click on the box arrows  to view my sway. Leave me a comment for feedback and have a go yourself. You can share your design in a sway or draw it in your journal.

I can’t wait to see what you create.

Mrs Fraser



23 thoughts on “Health and Wellbeing : Grid 1. Hot Challenge. Mrs Fraser has a go !”

        1. nature with Annabelle
          Hi everyone this is photos of my journey in the woods today.
          Go to this Sway

          Apologies – not sure if they uploaded…

          1. Amazing Annabelle- well done. See if you can do any other challenges on the grids today 🙂

    1. Good morning Leanne, it is great to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying your home learning and I think you should definitely give the challenge a try.

    2. Hello Leanne- great to speak to you here. You TOTALLY should have a go. It was really relaxing and actually not as hard as I thought it would be. Look at some others for inspiration. Share anything you create 🙂

      1. yes, i miss school. mum doesnt let me play my xbox but i have been learning my times tables and i learned how to draw a highland cow

        1. Well done Alexander. Great that you are drawing. Very sensible of mum to save X box for a treat time. Lots to do on our grids so that’ll keep you busy. Have a great day

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